
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Hi, I’m NotBlueAtAll…


Allow me to introduce myself, I’m NotBlueAtAll. Welcome to my blog. This here blog-a-ma-thing is all about Fat Acceptance! I often post about my own abuse survival, many topics of the TMI variety and sometimes fat fashion, too! I can be pretty random at times, but try to stay on-topic as much as possible. I offer myself as everyone’s  (FA)Auntie Fats and hope that if you’re an abuse survivor or in an abusive situation now that you reach out, and if there is no one else, I’m right here and I will listen!

I’m a 33 year old married lady with a pug and a tabby-cat. I own and run my own business. I’m a death fatty and I don’t even try to hide it! Radical stuff, no? I’ve been actively participating in Fat Acceptance (or FA) since 2006 and lurked for around a year or two prior to that. For me it all started with an article in BUST magazine about the U.K. Chubsters. This lead me to some blogs and eventually the Fatshionista community on This is where it all came together for me. I realized that everything I’d been told simply wasn’t true. I met people online and later in real life (IRL) and they and FA continue to rock my socks on a daily basis. Because of that community I gained confidence and strength and started this blog! While it was at first all about art (or my concept of it) it soon turned into a strictly FA kind of thang! In June of 2010 I was invited to join the Fierce Free Thinking Fatties Feed and later the Notes From The Fat-O-Sphere Feed. Woo! Oh yeah! I also do podcasts with fellow fats and fat bloggers. It’s always a blast!

I have the greatest readers. Not in numbers, but in wit, humor and integrity! We support each other when times get tougher (because they’ve been tough for how long now?) and stand up for ourselves and others! We are strong and we are fattastic!

Of course, I’m on Twitter and Tumblr and you can ask me anything on FormSpring!

Get in touch or just hang out here, all of the action is in comments! I’ll be right here, answering questions and offering advice, building relationships and helping some heal from theirs. I’m like that weird girl in school with the best taste in music and movies and cool posters on her walls. Yeah, that’s me! So, relax and take a look around. I won’t bite ya!


***Currently accepting any/all questions for a weekly “Dear Auntie Fats” post. You can email them here: Ask anything at all: sex, relationships, health, music, movies, you name it! You will remain anonymous.

4 Comments to

“Hi, I’m NotBlueAtAll…”

  1. On February 21st, 2011 at 11:50 am Twistie Says:

    “I won’t bite ya!”

    What if we ask nicely?


  2. On February 21st, 2011 at 11:51 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Guess I’ve just never been into the whole biting thing. I can be biting with my humor?

  3. On February 21st, 2011 at 11:58 am Twistie Says:

    I’m actually not into the biting thing, either, but I just couldn’t let an opening like that sit there begging. Biting humor is much more my style, too. And cheddar cheese so sharp it bites back. I like that, too.

  4. On February 21st, 2011 at 12:00 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Oh! Don’t get me started on cheese, my dear! <3

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