
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Time to Flip the Script!


Picking up on behavioral patterns is a classic symptom of PTSD-C/Trauma/Abuse survivors. We do this in order to survive. If you’re in a domestic abuse situation, as I was, picking up on things early, even subtle changes, meant less violence directed at me later. 24 years after I escaped that horrific experience (5 years in a near-hostage-type situation), it has taken on a different meaning for me lately. It can be a blessing, for sure, but right now it feels so much less so.

The last couple of years have felt like we’re all stuck on repeat. Some of you will remember the distinct sound of when a vinyl record gets stuck in a groove…THAT! UGH! I hate this feeling, and it isn’t going away. It almost feels worse the more time I spend either online or at work. What I mean by that is that those two instances is where I feel and see it the strongest and the most. It just seems like people behave in the most predictable ways in those settings. To the extent that it feels scripted.
Actually, my dating life has often felt scripted, too. Every message, every date, with two exceptions as far as predictability. A friend pressed me on this subject last year and even argued it isn’t possible. I offered to show them on every app, every message I’d ever received and I think it gave them pause. They dropped the subject. Ha-ha! It is true more often than not. It’s as though we think we have to say and do these things. Say this for that result. Do this for that result. Maybe in dating that is more true, but I still fucking hate it. I want independent thinkers in my life, thank you.
At work it’s well work, right? What am I expecting?! Well, I have worked in a lot of places in a variety of industries. They’re all different, but they all have similarities. Office environments being what they are, you get the same lines all day working at the front desk. “How’s it going?” “It’s going!” “Living the dream!” “Mondays, am I right?!” “How was your weekend?” “When’s lunch?” “Is it 5 yet?” (do not get me started on the candy dish talk…ugh!) which is all fine and good, it’s the other stuff in between that feels so fake and rote.
After every mass shooting, the groove deepens, because that needle is never getting out of it. The internet goes back to square one. Every post, every meme, every group, every blog, everything is all the same, ad nauseam! I’m sick of it! Why do we keep pretending to be surprised or shocked or appalled or sad at all? You cannot have enough thoughts and prayers for every victim and every victim’s family…you just can’t! It doesn’t help, and it almost feels like it makes thin`gs worse for ourselves with this approach. We feel the hurt get heavier with each new headline. We carry it with us. Rinse. Repeat.
Why do we keep doing the exact same things over and over again and expecting things to magically change?!?! If I can stop fucking dieting and all of the absolute madness that goes along with it, I know we can do better as a species overall. We have so much more power than we realize. They groom us from birth to obey and fall in line, but we don’t fucking have to! Change doesn’t happen through complicity! Change comes from arming yourself with knowledge and doing the same for others, then uniting and rising up to demand change.
All of this is to say that I have this unique skill, to spot behavioral patterns, but it’s not like I get to wield it in any sort of fun way. And right now it’s making me fucking sick! To see post after post and every human interaction feel like I’m stuck in a fucking simulator?! UGH! It literally turns my stomach. No thank you! Gimme my “tasty wheats” and let me get back to fucking things up for the capitalists! Ha-ha!
And now for the part most won’t agree with (if you live in the USA that is):
If we’re sick of the killing, turn in the weapons. That’s it. If everyone did it, wouldn’t it be a lot easier for police to get the “bad guys”? (Yes, this completely ignores the fact that ACAB, the police are more often than not white supremacists themselves and participating in this shit on-duty and off.) There is no law that you must own a weapon. No requirement to own a gun! You can be pro gun, you can enjoy using guns, doesn’t mean you must own one.

Be the change and all that! Make a grand fucking gesture out of it if you must, but just do it. Put your words into action, and let that action be an example to others! Push your representatives to make changes in the laws themselves. They represent you and right now they are only offering thoughts and fucking prayers over this shit as they go right back to being funded by a lot of the same people causing these issues to begin with.

We must be fierce in the face of racist aggression and white supremacists. We must stand up for the marginalized and oppressed. We must fight fascism every chance we get! We cannot give them a chance, an inch, or a moment! We must act now! We know what happens when we don’t, because we’re living it right fucking now! Because every problem you see in this world, right now, can be traced back to greedy white supremacist men, they just haven’t worn the hoods in awhile. We outnumber them and they should be very fucking afraid of the moment we realize this and actually do something about it.

Thanks for reading. I really don’t care what anyone thinks at this point. I just needed to get this shit off my chest.
S A Review


As a long time wearer of prescription glasses, I know all too well the pains, aesthetic and financial, of finding new eyeglasses. When I went into business for myself and became my own boss, that also meant not having things like big corporate benefits and insurance. Bummer! BUT I was soon introduced to a whole new way to buy glasses…ONLINE!

“What?! How the heck does that even work?! I’m no optician!”
I know, I know! And believe me, I had my doubts. Through many years of trial and error, I have finally found what works best and how to avoid the common pitfalls of online glasses shopping! I’ve tried the bargain buys and designer deals and find that I’m really neither and yet both at the same time. Ha-ha!
My most recent dip in the waters of online spectacle buying has left me quite satisfied. My first choice ended up not working out for me, but I was pleased with the level of service, turn around of my return and insistence on my satisfaction that GlassesUSA provided me. When I received my new pair of glasses I was hopeful, but as always with buying stuff online, a bit apprehensive. No one likes being disappointed.
I chose them because I was intrigued by the flexibility factor but also a lightweight and durable frame?! Seemed too good to be true! I was wrong…they rock!

I ended up with the purple and baby blue pair from the Ultem Collection. The purple was a touch darker than I expected, but after wearing them to work…They are perfect! In fact, they are so light weight that I kept checking to make sure they were still on my face! And they are super bendy! I love showing people, too, “Hey, check out my new glasses!” *BendsInAllDirections* and always they respond, “Whoa! Cool!” I love that!


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I love innovation and creative solutions to everyday problems, it’s what I do everyday in my own life and at work. So when I see a product or company that feels the same I typically jump right on it. Only this time? They found me first! Ha-ha! In the interest of full disclosure, I was gifted a pair of glasses by GlassesUSA in order to provide a true and honest review. I was impressed with their commitment to customer satisfaction! As a former corporate trainer in customer service (a job I miss and would love to do again), I appreciated this beyond words!
When my first pair didn’t work out, they made sure my return was easy and seamless (but you will need access to a printer for the prepaid return shipping label, this was my only obstacle). When I chose my new frames, they emailed me to confirm that my prescription had not changed to ensure no further issues. No other glasses website I have encountered has ever done that. I have tried local companies, oversees ones and everything in between. I can honestly say that I am most satisfied with my newest experience and pair of glasses I got from GlassesUSA. Their selection was impressive, but their prices were even more so!
They offer…
  • 110% lowest price guarantee and a 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • A generous refer-a-friend program (You can get $30 for each first purchase a referred friend makes – and use the $30 towards your next pair of glasses)
  • A Facebook page and Twitter feed with exclusive discounts for fans
Their most current discount codes can be found here Sales & Coupons
And readers of this blog can take 10% off any order. With code: Blog10
From GlassesUSA:
“Seeing properly shouldn’t be a luxury – it should be a necessity. We do our best to help our customers and we take their vision needs very seriously by providing our customers with top quality lenses in the most fashionable frames available!”
I believe my complete prescription glasses (this included lenses and coatings) was around $70 total. Not bad! In fact, hella good! I remember paying $300+ at the eye doctor’s office. No more!!!
Here’s my tips for buying glasses online:
  1. Get your eyes examined! Not being snarky! Ha-ha! But you’ll need a current prescription in order to buy prescription glasses online. Sorry, that’s just how this works. I do recommend checking out your local JC Penny or Sears for exams or even Site for Sore Eyes, as they typically run promotions for exams at $50+/- which is a great deal!
  2. Get that prescription on paper! Many opticians will refuse, knowing you can just buy online and leave them and their huge mark ups in the dust. I usually say that I’m traveling abroad and want to make sure I have my prescription handy “just in case!” I once had one absolutely refuse and insisted that they would only Fax it (what is this? the 90’s?!) to another optician or optometrist. Psshht! I don’t know the legality of such a thing, as it is MY info/prescription, but be aware of the possibility. *Also, ask them to take and write down your PD or Pupil Distance measurement as this is very difficult to do on your own and you will absolutely need this in order to buy online.
  3. Measure your favorite and most comfortable pair of frames in Millimeters:
  • Measure your frames across the front, this is called Frame Width
  • Measure the height and width of one of the lenses Lens height/width
  • Measure the arm that goes over your ear (from frame to end of arm), this is called Temple Arm Length
  • Measure the part that goes over the bridge of your nose

Now you’re ready to start shopping! Please keep in mind that not all shaped frames will work for all shaped faces. You might look up how to choose the right shape frames for your face on google, I know I have and now stick with rectangular frames for my roundish face. I would also suggest using a picture of yourself without glasses on, so you can upload it and virtually try on frames online (different sites have different names for this feature)! Also? Have fun with colors! I used to only go for frameless or really skinny/barely there frames and now I go for the complete opposite and love it! Bold! Colorful! Fun! Hey?! That’s me!!! 😉

GlassesUSA also offers a NEW share-able Virtual Mirror feature!
I have not yet tried this feature but it sounds super cool! Let me know what you think when you try it!

I Know The Secret…


I know the secret to being hot shit! Anyone can do it, it’s easy if you try, just get on our on the dance floor and let that shit fly! Okay, sorry…but it’s true! I think the big secret to being sexy, to feeling sexy, to being seen as sexy? You just gotta believe it! Be it! And if you’re not there yet? Fake it until you are! I’m serious!

I don’t care if you don’t know how to dance a certain way or if you’re not usually the type to dance, we all have this inner dance, like a happy dance or a hearty frolic! A jig! Whatever it is you do or shake or shuffle when you feel awesome! THAT! That is what makes you sexy! Well, no…you’re already sexy! YOU ARE ALREADY SEXY AS HELL!  You may not be able to see it through the bullshit society piles on us all, but it’s there and you are! When you believe it, when you walk with a strut or hold your head high or smile easily, that is sexy as hell!

When you are doing things for you, and only you? When you are in the zone and being the truest form of you? Nothing can stop it, you’re hot! Now own it! Flaunt it! Rock it! Wear it on your sleeve or tucked into your back pocket, but work that shit out! Dance it or shake it or find a way to exude that energy inside of you! Find a pleasureful movement and do it often! Crank up the tunes and pump up the jams! Find your theme song! Choose your mantra! Scream and shout it!

Because you fucking deserve to feel fantastic everyday! You are worth so much and wasting time on hating yourself or others is only holding you back! Step outside of your comfort zone, do something completely new! Find the funny story in an awkward situation and celebrate it! Do something silly or awesome? Shout, “Revoloosh!” and hold up a fist! And laugh your ass off! Laughing is required! Silly is necessary! Smiling is life! Belly bump! Hip bump! Whatever!

We’re all so serious these days, but having fun is fucking free! Feeling good is free and it tastes like freedom! And nothing tastes as good as rocking out to your own beat, babies! I love you all! <3

Open to Possibilities


I think we sometimes get so caught up in our day to day lives that we tend to compress our hopes and dreams into very specific things. Sometimes we focus so much on what our dreams are that we forget that they may take a different shape or form. I know that this has been true for me. But after selling the cafe I was suddenly faced with, well, everything! I felt free of the stress and burdens of small business ownership and suddenly anything seemed possible! And nothing has proven this to me more than my new job.

I now work for and so far I love it. I never would have imagined taking a part-time position, but it feels quite liberating to me. It was all so unexpected. But I think it’s a good fit and I have many ideas for the future. So far 2012 (Woo!) has shown me the possibilities that are just waiting for me to take a bite out of in this world. I love that! I love being surprised by life in positive ways. I feel great because of it.

I’d been struggling with my knees for a few months now, but the funny thing is after NYE, despite the dancing and drinking, the next day my knees felt fine! No more pain! And the pain hasn’t returned! It’s like a NYE miracle or something. How is it that I drank as much as I did and danced way more than planned and ended up feeling BETTER the next day?! Ha-ha! It seems impossible, but it happened. Saturday was rough, actually, because I’d been limping from the pain in my left knee. Even walking the red carpet into the club that night I had a limp. I don’t know what happened, but I am so fucking grateful that it did!

I have a new found (or re-found) lust for life and a desire to get to know people on a deeper level. I want to maintain the relationships I have and meet new people and just keep doing that. I feel that this human connection we all share is the spice of life and is what keeps me going. It’s when I hide myself away that I grow depressed and afraid of the world. No more! But I will also listen and trust my body and if I feel the need to cloister, I will without guilt or shame. Because self-care should take precedence. We cannot help or care for others when we neglect our own health and well-being.

Though it’s only just begun, 2012 (Woo!) has already been a hundred times better than that last year. I felt at many times that I couldn’t go on or that things were simply hopeless. And here we all are on the other side and things are getting better, slowly but surely! And I believe in my heart that if I love with my whole self and treat people with love instead of judgment then life will show my proper path to whatever it is that I am meant to do. I feel it, like it’s on the horizon or the tip of my tongue…

Open yourself to possibilities and opportunities no matter what shape they may take and you will surprise yourself at what you can accomplish! Don’t let fear hold you back. Lose the shame and guilt and just enjoy yourself as yourself and just be you! Think about beliefs or thoughts you’ve long held to be true and re-examine them and how you feel about them now. Doing just that has lead me to some fun adventures and heartfelt discussions. Love those!

Take care of you, babies! I love you all! <3

Glam When You Can


Growing up poor the word glamorous didn’t even enter my life until high school. I wasn’t yet the word nerd I am now (I know I don’t exactly use my love of words here, wev). Later when the fantastic British comedy Absolutely Fabulous came into my life, I was suddenly obsessed! I bought a metallic silver mini backpack that I wore as a purse for ages! I would wear the weirdest jewelry and shoes! I felt at the time that I was somehow emulating those glamorous women when in fact I was laying the foundations of my own quirky style! I sourced much of my stuffs from Ross (Dress For Less) and the Contempo Casuals Outlet that I worked at.

I also see a hint of what I have found myself doing now which is adding a touch of glam to every day. No matter what I’m wearing or what I am doing I try to add just a little something to make me feel good! I don’t know, I suppose it’s useless or silly to some, but they underestimate the value of silly! Woo! I’m sure some of you have noticed my increasing use of fancy-fucky headbands, this was the reintroduction of glam for me most recently. My collection has grown! Ha-ha! But then rather than a typical blag wrist-let, I went with the silver bangle style. Glam! Instead of my usual “dress docs” (Doc Marten’s I wear to dress up things) I wore my black patent leather shoes with the cutie side bow on NYE! There is something about that little touch of glamor that make me smile.

One thing I adore and use all of the time are these two tote bags I got for free on Black Friday from Avenue (click the pic for the link). I have the red and purple and use them for sooooo much! Mostly groceries as of late, but the reactions I get from baggers and checkers is always fun. But they are great for any damned thing! They are sturdy with nice long straps so I can throw ’em over a shoulder. But they are cheap enough, and because they were

Plus Size Metallic Tote image

The other thing I’ve been enjoying is NYC Cosmetics Liquid Lipshine (click the pic for the link). My friend Jeanette talked me into buying the Midtown Mulberry and I use it almost every day now! It smells like vanilla cupcakes or that raw sugar lotion from bath and body works. It’s just yummy and the color is perfect for me! Even if I’m not wearing any other make up I will slap some of this gloss on and feel FABULOUS!!!

What bit of glam do you add to your daily routine? Do you rock a hair bird or giant flower barrette? I’ve been wanting to try the new nail stamping things, but haven’t truly committed to it yet. I know I have readers who love that stuff. Please recommend a good, beginner and affordable kit or something I could put together myself, perhaps. What other glam things should I check out? Lay it on me!


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