
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

My Fat Bitch Necklace!


A lovely reader of this blog, “JaneDoe” wanted to make me a “Fat Bitch” necklace and well, how could I say no?! Emails were exchanged, facts and figures were shared and then I received a lovely little something in my mailbox:

“Bohemian pressed glass beads have been around for hundreds of years.  They originated as an inexpensive substitute for gemstones.   They were made by small family owned businesses; true cottage industries.
Bohemia is part of what is now the Czech Republic.  Because of the uphevals of the 20th century and then the advent of Soviet rule, the pressed glass industry pretty much shut down.  When the Russians came in, they confiscated all the beads worth having, and then told the bead makers to farm the land instead of make beads.
Many of the pressed glass beads I have came into the country after the Velvet Revolution of 1989 but were made before the industry shut down.  A man with a bead shop made a trip to the area after the Soviets left.  He approached people whoes families had been bead makers.  He was told that if he bought up “old junk that had been laying around for years” that next time he’d be able to buy better.  In essence, it was a bribe to gain entre into the pressed bead world.
He had the beads strung up on special 24″ strands (usually bead strands are 16″) and imported container loads of these “old junk” beads.  He sold the hell out of them in his shop.  And as time went on he was able to get better and better beads.  His business prospered because he was bringing over stuff no one else had that hadn’t been seen in the USA for many years.  He’s still in business today in fact and is one of the biggest importers of Bohemian pressed glass beads in the nation.
One day back in 1995 I cold called him and asked if he had anything he wanted to be rid of.  He said “Do I have a deal for you!”  He had since saturated his market and had lots of the original “old junk” beads laying around.  I bought many, many kilos of beads for next to nothing.
The cool part is, these beads really did lay around for decades in a barn.  I have some that were sealed in bags rather on put on strings.  In the bags were old oats and grains of wheat from the days when the bead makers had been made to farm.
I liked using them, too, because it says something about oppression.  The Russians eventualy had to leave and the Czech people now govern themselves after a bloodless revolution (The Velvet Revolution).   I’m hoping someday we as humans will look back at fat oppression and see it as an odd footnote in history.”
I was instantly in love with this piece! The weight of it is just lovely and the beads are gorgeous! The handiwork is perfection! She got the length, clasp and everything else just right! This is a rare feat in my book, after so many custom piece failures. I will be sporting this loudly and proudly! You should see how it plays with the light! It seems too fancy, almost, to have “Fat Bitch” on it, but that makes it all the more special, I think.
A special thanks to FattiBoomBalatti for writing the post that inspired this! I hope to see more “Fat Bitch” items (you can submit your photo here: Did anyone get a t-shirt made? I am loving this whole thang, y’all! Thank you “JaneDoe” for rockin’ my socks with this fine fabulosity! (She may even be willing to sell such necklaces upon request!)

Check out all of this coolness:


There is so much awesomeness going around right now that I thought I’d share some of my faves with you! Woo!

First off, can I just say how much I fucking love LOVE! love Virgie Tovar?! She is amazing and incredible and is doing a video series, “Virgie Tovar’s Guide to Fat Girl Living” and they are flabulous!!! Here’s episode one to whet your appetite (believe me, you won’t be able to stop!):

Dr.Pattie Thomas & PDA Nation want to hear Your Story (and for more resources, links, etc

Please consider submitting your own story through video or text (you can comment on the videos on YouTube).

Amanda Levitt of FatWaitress & Love Your Body Detroit just opened a fabulous fat positive Etsy shop to raise funds for more fat activism:
Do check it out, buy something for yourself (like the fat rights tool kit!!! OMZ!!!)

And a bit of not so greatness, but I hope we can have an impact before it comes out…I first heard about this from Marilyn Wann and wanted to share it with you: Please go to the Amazon pages (US and UK) and post a comment responding to the godawful children’s book, “Maggie Goes on a Diet.”
I was personally shocked that the story itself is about a 14 year old going on a diet, but the targeted age for readers is 4-8 years old. Yikes!!! I hope that you will read the discussion and consider adding your own voice! <3

The Fat Necklace Phenomenon


While gearing up for the Fat Flesh mob last Friday, I had wanted tp wear something special, to make a statement and feel good in the process. There was no doubt in my mind that my “Fat” necklace would be included. When I mentioned this to some friends, three different gals said that they would also be donning their “Fat” necklaces. When I arrived, Marilyn Wann had one on as well. And once there and chatting with all of the wonderful people I met that day, so many asked where I got my “Fat” necklace. I had no idea such a simple thing would be so sought after.

The “Fat” necklace is a statement piece. It is something truly special and to be worn with great pride. Providing, of course, you have the sanity points to deal with the unique reactions you may get while wearing it in public. I’ve gotten everything from people avoiding eye contact with me to laughter with a side of “That’s awesome!” with it. But I especially loved wearing it to the Flesh Mob on INDD. I held my head high and wore my “Fat” necklace as a sign of my comittment and gratitude to be part of the fat acceptance movement, to fight for the equal treatment of all bodies. However, one good friend wore hers to a party where people incessantly discussed and offered her dieting bullshit. Ugh! Some will just never get it, I guess.

Of course it all began (for me anyway) when Natalie (of fame) designed and offered her (and in my eyes the original) “Fat” necklace. I still think it is the prettiest design, but alas, I am far too broke for such a purchase. Nicole bought one from Natalie and I know everyone was asking about it! And you know you’ve not only designed something asthetically lovely but also radically of-the-moment when someone gets your design tattooed on their flesh! I have no links or pics, but I’ve seen at least two gals with her design on them.

So, then I posted a pic/GIF the other day with my “Fat” necklace and a few commenters were interested in where I got mine and/or how they could get one for themselves at a lower price. I want to tread lightly on the subject because I am a firm believer in supporting independant artists and protecting their work. I ask that you do consider buying your necklace from Natalie, but if you absolutely cannot swing it, then I shall offer the few options I could find on Etsy (by independant designers, handmade, many local to the U.S.). Unfortunately the gal who made my necklace has closed-up shop. But the lettering is like that from the movie “Fame” from the 80’s (bitchin’ movie).

Here is what I could find on Etsy, but I have not personally purchased from them before:
Sugar & Vice  offers a few different options both in font as well as a banner style I loved.
Wacodis has one listing with seemingly limitless options (and amazing price, but only in clear letters).
Everlasting Doodle offers customization of most of their designs. So many!
I also found out that Tap Plastics offers pretty much the same thing minus the chain and such. I have not used them before but have heard nothing but great things about them in general. Nothing specific in regards to this option for a necklace, but due to their reputation I have no doubt that they will work with you!

Thank you to Natalie who brought the concept of the “Fat” necklace into our world and being an amazing artist, blogger, activist and person. You inspire us all! <3

 If you do get or have a “Fat” necklace, do send a pic of you wearing it my way (include links, too!) so I might compile a lovely post in the future to show our “Fat” necklace glory to the world!
Email it here:


Podcast Episode Five: Bruce of Big Boy Fashion! (Oh Yeah!)


 I know I keep saying what fun I have on these podcasts, but seriously? It is a total blast. I only hope that y’all are enjoying this even half as much as I am.

Bruce is such a great guy and a true rad fatty (not to mention one of the original Tank Top Tuesday volunteers)! His current blog is here: BigBoyFashion and launching March 15th, the new site: Chubstr until then you can find updates and “Like” his facebook page or follow BBF on Twitter!

We talked pants design (just say no to pleats!), shoes, plus size male models and more! Thanks for being you, Bruce! Can’t wait for all of the cool new stuff you’ve got coming up!

Podcast Episode Five You may listen to the podcast here on the page (player is below) or on iTunes here or search podcasts for: NotBlueAtAll (please subscribe if you are able).

Call For detroit Area Atists, Speakers and Crafters!

Thursday, January 20, 2011 at 11:30pm – Friday, January 21, 2011 at 12:00am

Location Submit Application to:

Created By

More Info
What: BODYSLAM! Poetry Jam & Storytelling

Where: The Trumbullplex, 4210 Trumbull St., Detroit, MI, 48208

When: February 19th, 2011 6-11pm

Love Your Body Detroit will be holding its first ever fundraiser and we need your help to make it a huge success! We are looking for speakers for our main show a poetry jam and storytelling session that will be happening on the main stage.

Poetry / Stories can be related to but are not limited by,
• Fat phobia / hatred
• Ethnic or racial diversity
• Appearance based oppression
• Eating Disorders
• Body Image
Basically anything that will make us think critically about our bodies or how it feels to live in yours! Submissions should be at a maximum 10 minutes in length and emailed in a word document to the address below. Please also include your name, contact information, and a short personal bio.

Artists or vendors:
We are also looking for body positive artists / craft vendors who’s work shows size, racial or ethnic diversity through any form of media.
Please send the following in a word document,
• Name / Business
• Contact Info
• Kind of Work / Products you sell
• Links to examples of your work
**Crafters who make clothing and wish to participate should make sure their clothing sizes are just as diverse as the people in attendance. Also vendor fees will be on a donation basis only, if you wish to give we will love you for it!

Participant Submission Deadline: 1/20/11
Submit Application to:

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