
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.


Wow! A fantastic online friend (and someone whom I greatly admire) shared this link on their facebook and I immediately went to the print page and grabbed my full sheets of sticker paper and printed out two of ’em! Woot!

From their site:

Rim Notes Recovery is a take-back-the-toilet style project. Messages of hope and healing, and empowering queries are posted on the rims of toilets on campus, at work, and at home. The message is hidden from view until someone lifts the seat. Thus the messages are aimed at a particular moment, usually solitary and isolating, when an individual goes to purge.

Toilets (with notes)

Let’s all do something positive and leave messages for people in public restrooms. Certainly the last place I’d look for a positive message, but every bit helps, I’m sure!

Back in the day, a friend of mine and I would carry sharpie pens with us everywhere so that when we were in a public restroom we would write this on the stall wall, “There’s No Diva Like Me!” I don’t know what our overall intentions were at the time, but I can’t help but think that someone, somewhere saw our little sassy message and thought to themselves, “Yeah! There is no diva like me!”

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