
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Wake Up & Be Awesome.


Some of you are rolling your eyes at this and thinking, “Psshht! As if it were so simple!” I’m not saying that it’s always that easy, but sometimes…it is! I am a firm believer in starting your day with the best intentions. Intentions not on just how your day will be, but more the best intentions of how you will be.

I guess it’s only Wednesday and time is just flying by. I can’t seem to grab a hold of any damned thing and so it keeps on moving and I’m just along for the ride it feels. My Monday was classic-cliche-bad! Ha-ha! It started out with a car accident, but luckily ended in a massage (I’m okay and the massage was magic). Tuesday was long but great. Today? I’m feeling slightly overwhelmed but excited for all that is so soon to come.

This weekend I will be attending my very first NAAFA Conference! Woo! I’m not sure what to expect, but I know it will be positive and fun. I get to room and party and hang out and swim with my bff and if that was all there was to it I’d be pleased as punch. But no! I get to hang out and party and swim and talk with all of the radical fatties attending this conference and that is waaaaay cool! (I also happen to be on a bloggers panel that I am pretending to not be nervously terrified about…Shhh! Don’t tell!)

The following weekend I will have the first meeting of the official Fatty Affair 2013 Planning Committee! So excited! Seriously?! It’s August already you guys!!! Yikes! I have some ideas to hopefully expand and improve what has become my proudest achievement and will (it seems) become an annual thing. Putting together an actual planning committee has given me new hope and definitely more confidence going into it this time. The first one I just didn’t know what the hell I was doing or even what to expect.

There are days when it is hard to get out of bed in the morning. And then there are days like today when my alarm goes off and I throw my curtains open and embrace the world and this new day for all of its beauty and wonder. And I even stayed up late last night! Ha-ha! Today, I will be awesome. Today will be awesome. And to me, you are always awesome!

If you’re not feeling awesome at the moment, take 2 minutes to breathe deeply, walk around, let your mind wander and regroup. I find this simple act can really break me out of a bad mood or even improve my posture (roll those shoulders back…now forward). We aren’t breathing as deeply as we should, most of us. We aren’t grounded in the moment but constantly worrying and wondering and anxiety inducing. Yuck!

Let it go. If you can’t control or influence something, let it go. You worrying doesn’t help anyone. Instead, visualize yourself the last time you felt truly awesome and empowered or strong within yourself. Breathe. Consider using this image of yourself as an inspirational symbol or motivator. Do something nice and/or special for yourself today. You deserve to feel special, because you’re awesome!

I can’t explain why I was so jazzed about starting the day, but I’m glad that I did. I feel more energized than usual and am already thinking about what lunch item will help support and fuel this energy. I forget to do that, to think about what would support me in a moment or day. I rely on so many people that I forget sometimes to support me.  Time may be flying by faster than I can keep up, but at least I can have a good time, learn and grow along the way. I hope you can, too. Be awesome!


posted under Uncategorized
5 Comments to

“Wake Up & Be Awesome.”

  1. On August 1st, 2012 at 10:25 am Veronica Says:

    I’m really loving the tone in this post! The enthusiasm is almost contagious:)

  2. On August 1st, 2012 at 11:39 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Veronica: Thanks, doll. But, almost?! Ha-ha! You are already so much awesome! <3

  3. On August 1st, 2012 at 8:05 pm E. Ai B. Says:

    I totally needed your uplifting posts lol, good luck with your awesome event!

  4. On August 6th, 2012 at 9:34 am Not Blue at All Says:

    E. Ai. B.: Anytime you need a dose of sunshine, hit me up, lady! Love yoU!!!

  5. On August 4th, 2012 at 11:16 am Veronica Says:

    Hehe, yeah that read a little less positive than it was in my head. But your enthusiasm didn’t quite rub off on me in the moment, so I’ll have to stand by what I said. Thank you, sweetie! You know I think you’re awesome too!

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