
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Unique Eats & A Rad Fatty


Last night B & I watched a “Unique Eats” episode we recently taped (it’s on the fabulous Cooking Channel). It was all about BBQ! Whew! I hadn’t thought myself much of a carnivore, more omnivore, but the gorgeousness on that show was more than I could deny myself from enjoying or even fantasizing about! My husband Loves BBQ. He misses his grill and just having access to one, but our new apartment, and apparently state law, says we cannot have a a charcoal grill and only certain propane ones are allowed at all. Without money to buy such a contraption (and he much prefers charcoal to propane), we won’t be doing any grilling this summer. So watching this particular episode was bitter sweet for him.

The show basically visits popular spots within the theme of a given episode. Foodies and chefs comment on their favorite dishes and the preparation of them. It’s glorious food porn, y’all! The chefs and foodies do a great job of making your mouth water with their descriptions. I love hearing the unique stories of how these restaurants and food trucks and whatnot get started. Very interesting characters! The thing is, I don’t even eat red meat usually, but this one place had this ridiculous brisket and my eyes were poppin’ outta my head, I tell you what! *drools*

And then the proud fatty in me began to enjoy and delight and the use of the word “fat” in the segment about a Brooklyn, N.Y. restaurant called Fatty ‘Cue! They have a dish called “Master Fat”!!! Already band names and secret underground fatty club names spring to mind, but it’s not that kind of fat. No, “Master Fat” is this liquid-gold from all of the various rendered animal meats that they cook in a giant cauldron of infinite wonder! But what truly grabbed my attention was this one guy, Zakary Pelaccio, I don’t know if he’s the owner or manager or chef, but he’s a rad fatty for sure! And his look was fucking hypnotizing!

(Can’t find a picture from the episode) How to describe? Okay, he had big hot pink plastic glasses. Red hair, red & white Striped scarf triple wrapped around his neck. Just so stylish and unique and quirky and awesome?! Ack! I’m so bummed there’s no video or pics from his interview part. I can’t explain it. But he was just magnetic and awesome and brilliant and stylin’ as hell! I couldn’t take my eyes off of him!

Anyway, it’s a rad show. Fatty ‘Cue seems to have nothing but fantastic reviews and I’m sure they’re already hugely successful. I was just so struck by this dude. I dunno. So, yeah.

This has been a post. Ha-ha!

4 Comments to

“Unique Eats & A Rad Fatty”

  1. On June 16th, 2011 at 3:11 pm Patsy Nevins Says:

    It sounds great, kind of like “Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives”, only maybe better. I watch little tv these days & have pretty much given up on Food Network except for Triple D, because all the chefs are so conscientiously & tiresomely devoted to ‘cooking light’, ‘cooking ‘healthy'”, as if the foods people have eaten for generations are deadly poison & eating what you want & enjoying it wholeheartedly is mortal sin. I hope that the Cooking Channel can avoid those attitudes & promote the joys of food & eating.

  2. On June 17th, 2011 at 8:30 am Not Blue at All Says:

    This is absolutely why I love the cooking channel and have abandoned the food network entirely! I was sick of that stuff and all of the mega-stars and their multiple shows. I cannot stand most of ’em now anyway. I think the cooking channel is a bit more creative, supports new or up and coming chefs/cooks and appeals to a wider variety of people. Not just the calorie counting set. I think Unique Eats is on Monday nights at 10pm, but we tape it so I’m not 100% on that. We also love “Foodography” where they get into the history, geography and current versions of a type of food or dish. Fun!

  3. On June 17th, 2011 at 11:32 pm Kath Says:

    Zakary Pelaccio is a bit of a hottie!

  4. On June 18th, 2011 at 8:57 am Not Blue at All Says:

    He totally is, Kath! I agree.

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