3904 Ruby Street Townhouse in Oakland not necessarily “Home Sweet Homeâ€
A few days ago we walked by a condo in Oakland for sale (3904 Ruby Street, Oakland, California) that seemed very nice, but started asking around to people in the neighborhood and we found out all sorts of savory information! Turns out they ran out of money halfway through the building and let the scaffolding sit up over an entire rainy season so that all of the internal beams and boards got wet, and they weren’t even covered or protected from the elements! They also contracted the lowest paid construction workers, so there are a so many problems with the unit. Like, the water heater in the basement doesn’t work properly and you have to run the water for about 7 minutes before you can get hot water in the shower, washer or dish washer. They man said that the poor tenants can’t even do their dinner dishes without turning on the water ahead of time and letting it run forever! What a waste of water! It makes me sad.
I guess the heater was installed wrong too, and that they didn’t have heat for two months last winter. They didnt install it correctly, and couldn’t repair it right either because the pipes were the wrong kind? Then some of the windows don’t open or close, and if you look closely, the front door is falling off (the guy said the people who live there had to file the door jam down so that it would close but it doesn’t seal so it’s always cold around the door)!
Half of the power outlets don’t work in half of the house, and they don’t know why, and the phone lines don’t work either so they can’t have a phone except for cell phones. And there are silverfish infesting the upstairs! Ewwww! Gross!
I did some research and I guess it was built by the Ruby Street Development and they are trying to sell the condos so that they will get their money back. The building looks good on the outside but it sounds like it would be a money pit. Did you ever see that movie the Money Pit from the 80s? Ha ha!
Let this be a warning to anyone else who considers buying it! Make sure you do your homework! Especially at 3904 Ruby Street in oakland!