
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Things I’ve Learned While On Staycation

  1. I can actually live without the internet (I just prefer not to).
  2. I won’t die or be an utter failure with people throwing stones at me and all without my business.
  3. I need to stay very aware of my stress levels and avoid stress/anxiety inducing situations.
  4. Found the best tasting donuts ever, in my town!
  5. Time with friends at home is more therapuetic than a European facial.
  6. I sleep better (1,000 times) when I’m not worrying about the cafe 24/7.
  7. I can get a lot done or nothing at all done in the same amount of time. Ha!
  8. Cheap wine ($2.64 a bottle) can taste better than expensive wine.
  9. I actually like playing video games, I’m just a bit picky about which ones.
  10. Rejection is more often than not, not about you at all.

I am so grateful for my readers and commenters; more than I am able to express in words.

Just big fat hugs to you all!



posted under Uncategorized
10 Comments to

“Things I’ve Learned While On Staycation”

  1. On January 3rd, 2011 at 2:10 am Kath Says:

    I am so glad you’ve had a nice break. You surely deserved the rest!

  2. On January 3rd, 2011 at 9:42 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Thanks, Kath.

  3. On January 3rd, 2011 at 9:58 am Twistie Says:

    Isn’t it amazing what we can learn about ourselves when we take the time?

    When Mr. Twistie’s laptop died one day into our four-day trip I also discovered that I can live without the internet… even though I’d rather not.

    You sound more relaxed, now that you’ve had a few days off. Be sure to remember to give yourself a break now and again.

  4. On January 3rd, 2011 at 10:00 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Thanks, hun…wish it were that easy. Just thinking about this morning while at dinner last night had me in a panic. I couldn’t sleep (managed about 3 hours) and still managed to get to the cafe late. I just don’t know that I can do this anymore. *sigh* chin-up, I know. *hugs*

  5. On January 3rd, 2011 at 10:03 am Twistie Says:

    I never said it was easy, babe, just necessary. And you know I’m here for you.

  6. On January 3rd, 2011 at 10:37 am Not Blue at All Says:

    I know, thank you.

  7. On January 3rd, 2011 at 11:33 pm j. Says:

    What? No internet? are you high? I was bleeding from the eyes with all the web stuff that I was doing. But I liked it. Sadistic, huh?
    I don’t know about the facial, tho. Buy me one so that way I can agree with you. hahahaha.
    Cheap wine usually tastes better! Barefoot all the way!!
    So why wouldn’t you play on Xmas? Just askin’.

  8. On January 4th, 2011 at 10:05 am Not Blue at All Says:

    I did play on x-mas. What you talkin’ ’bout?

  9. On January 4th, 2011 at 5:58 pm thepowerofmyth Says:

    I am so glad you had a nice break! That is great! <3

  10. On January 5th, 2011 at 8:55 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Thank you. I certainly needed it. Cleared my head, new perspectives, all that jazz. Ha! *hugs*

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