
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

The Art of: Upcycling


Upcycling is sweeping the world and all those (crafty) along with it! And I say WOOT! To that!
To upcycle is to take something otherwise disposable or discarded and turn it into something better! While I have only ever made one upcycle project, I love what I have seen all over the web, the DIY network, HGTV and on my fave, !
I encourage everyone to try an Upcycling project. It doesn’t have to be complicated or require many tools, it can be as simple as cutting up an old t-shirt or soda can. Below are my faves from the web:
Soda Bottle Lamp
Soda Bottle lamp ( ) Project info ( ) Does require some tools, but doesn’t look impossible, even for me!
soda bottle flower pin
Soda Bottle Flower Pin ( ) Super cute idea!
Polar Bear art cans
Polar Bears (art) made of cans ( )Wow!
dr pepper earrings
Dr Pepper Earrings ( ) You know you could see a teenager pulling these off, no worries!
record bowl
Record Bowl ( ) I love these! I’ve seen them many times and I just love the concept.
record clock
Record clock ( ) I love this, too. Another fine way to upcycle your unwanted/unusable records.
Wine Bottle Platter
Wine Bottle Platter ( ) I never would have thought of this; perfect conversational piece for a wine/cheese/cocktail party!
Wine Bottle Tumblers
Wine Bottle Tumblers ( ) My first concern was the edges, but this etsy seller took care of any sharp edges. Nice!
cork necklace
Cork Necklace ( ) This is too cool! She ships them in test tubes, too!
giftcard notebook
Gift Card notebook ( ) I always hate throwing away gift cards; now we don’t have to. Some have beautiful pictures on them, too!
children's book notebook
Children’s Book Notebook/Journal ( ) Adorable!
TV Dinner Notebook
TV Dinner Notebook ( ) Kitsch, anyone? I love it!
Telephone Wire Bracelets
Telephone Wire Bracelets ( ) My mom used to make these for me as a kid when the telephone guys would leave big old messes of white and purple wires behind. You’d never know they were discarded, they’re lovely.
Upcycled Crayons
Upcycled Crayons ( ) This is such a great idea! This way it’s much harder for toddlers to break them.
Upcycled Crayons
Upcycled Glitter Crayons ( ) Glitter is almost always a good idea!
measuring tape bracelet
Tape Measure Bracelet
( )For when the ends die completely, your tape measure can live on in your wardrobe!
band flyer envelopes
Band Flyer Envelopes ( ) Genius! Band flyers are full of color, bold fonts and creativity! Win!
t-shirt purse
Crocheted t-shirt purse ( ) I’ve seen many variations on this concept. It’s truly something you can have fun with!
Tire-snap Bracelet
Tie-Snap Bracelet ( ) Wow! I love this idea! Very chic, very eco-conscious and very cool!
mint tin belt buckle
Mint tin belt buckle ( ) Wow! Secret compartment, functionality and style!
floppy disk box
Floppy disk pencil holder/box ( ) For the chic geek in your life!
seatbelt wallet
Seatbelt Wallet ( ) I like this, I bet it’s super durable!
Upcycled Wood Wall Decor
Upcycled furniture/wall décor ( ) I’d seen stuff like this on “Design on a Dime” on the HGTV channel…I love it! It really brings warmth with all of the varied wood tones.
Upcycled Dresser
Upcycled Vanity/Dresser-Sink! ( ) This is amazing and beautiful! So unique!
Soda Bottle Greenhouse
Soda Bottle Greenhouse ( ) If I had a yard, I’d sooo make one of these babies!
Soda Tab Lamp
Soda Tab Lamp ( ) Wow! So different, I love it!
wire hanger laptop stand
Metal Hanger Laptop Stand ( ) Not sure exactly how it works, but I love anything you can reuse hangers with! Let’s all please Mommy Dearest and get those metal hangers out of our closets all together!
coffee stirrer chandelier
The Ultimate: Coffee Stirrer Chandelier ( ) Just…WOW!!!
Have you ever upcycled something? Let us know what/how…include a picture! What did you think of this post? Comment!

posted under Art, Decor, inspiration
4 Comments to

“The Art of: Upcycling”

  1. On January 13th, 2009 at 10:14 pm Jery Says:

    I LOVE IT!!!
    I really like the crayon idea a LOT. It’s great if you have a ton of broken small pieces that you can’t really color with.
    And the snap tie holder! It’s perfect for those ties that you love, but have either frayed or become stained. It’s genius.
    Mucho props!!

  2. On January 14th, 2009 at 11:36 am admin Says:

    Why thank you! I especially loved the mint tin belt buckle. It looked quite chic to me, but you’d be more of the expert on the topic. What did you think of it?

  3. On January 16th, 2009 at 2:18 pm wakkosfriend Says:

    This is a great post. I always love seeing what others have done with unwanted items. Some of the items you would never even think to use or do. Awesome.

  4. On January 16th, 2009 at 2:25 pm admin Says:

    Yeah, I always admire those crazy-creative types that can turn garbage into glam!

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