
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Tell Me Tuesday…


Tell me what I can help you with today!
Tell me something about yourself!
Tell me your darkest secret!
Tell me who you have a crush on!
Tell me the secret to your success!
Tell me about the tough time you’re having!
Tell me about your stupid boss!
Tell me how you have always secretly admired someone!
Don’t keep it to yourself…

Tell Me!



posted under Tell Me Tuesday
11 Comments to

“Tell Me Tuesday…”

  1. On December 14th, 2010 at 10:20 am Twistie Says:

    The secret to my success? Is dumb luck. I seem to just fall into minor good fortune just when I need it most. Of course it doesn’t hurt to be smart enough to recognize those lifelines when they suddenly appear.

  2. On December 14th, 2010 at 11:28 am Not Blue at All Says:

    I’m not so sure I believe in dumb luck. I think it takes a certain amount of intelligence and openness to see these things as opportunities when they arise. So maybe that is the true secret to your success?

  3. On December 14th, 2010 at 11:48 am sabrina Says:

    i’m new(ish) to the fatosphere, started blogging, and i live in the bay area! AND i’m gonna come visit you and your delightfully adorable coffee shop soon! those are four things about myself 🙂

  4. On December 14th, 2010 at 12:01 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Wooo! And double Hooo! I would love to meet you! Thanks for telling me! <3

  5. On December 14th, 2010 at 12:39 pm thepowerofmyth Says:

    My secret for the day. Is that I am secretly (hehe) in love with my boobs. Okay not in a creepy way, but I have this friend who has MASSIVE boobs. We went dress shopping cause its her b-day this week and I never realized how hard it is to shop when you have big boobs, because well I don’t have big boobs! Either the dress would fit her body and be too small in the breast area or the dress would fit her breasts and be too big in her body or or or! the dress would just make her breasts look way too big. I never realized just how much of a pain it is to have big breasts, and I am appreciative of my breasts! I use to not be in love with them and I use to hate them, but right at this moment I am happy that they are the way they are and I would not change them for anything!

    I am also trying to get a job or jobs tutoring people. I have a real love of teaching people especially when it comes to math! Hopefully this will help me figure out if I want to become a math teacher or continue with my major in chemistry. Right now I am hopelessly confused and unsure on what I want to do with my life. However I feel like most people have this same problem so I don’t feel so bad.

    Over winter break I am challenging myself to take a snowboarding lesson. I am nervous and excited, but hopefully it will be fun. I mean fat chicks can snowboard too dammit!

  6. On December 14th, 2010 at 12:49 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    This is made of awesome sauce! Yay-you! If I had a dime I’d hire you to tutor me in math! I suck at it and only recently embraced this about myself instead of beating myself up over it. Also, no worries on trhe boob front (ha!). I went awhile loving my boobs and then about a year ago decided (I haven’t a clue as to why) that they were old and gross. This week? I have fallen for them all over again! It had been ages since I felt sexy and I am so glad that I found that part of myself again. So I get it, I do!
    And fuck yeah: fat girls snowboarding? That sounds like the coolest thing ever! I’ve always been curious about snowboarding, but my fear of breaking my legs and the cold being my cryptonite, I just figured it’d be a total fail situation for me. So you have to do it now and you have to get back to me and let me know how it is! In fact, I’d like to invite you to document and guest post h ere if you’re game? Let me know! <3

  7. On December 14th, 2010 at 10:16 pm FW Says:

    Hmm you could do a shameless plug for the Bodyslam/Poetry Jam that my group Love Your Body Detroit is trying to get participants for in February. I sent out emails this weekend and aside from BFB it appears to have failed.

    Oh and I can tell you that my boss started a game with the cooks that whoever burns the most servers by putting up the hottest plates will receive a bonus at the end of the year. I had a plate that burned me through the tray I was carrying it on.

  8. On December 15th, 2010 at 10:09 am Not Blue at All Says:

    I would happily plug your event. Do you have a flyer or an info page to link to? Thanks!

  9. On December 15th, 2010 at 10:43 am FW Says:

    I’ll link to the call for participants on Facebook, the event posting will go up the beginning of january.

  10. On December 17th, 2010 at 5:36 pm thepowerofmyth Says:

    I would totally love to write a post about my experience with snowboarding once I do it over break! I would be honored if you wanted me to write something for your blog. I am excited and nervous and I worry about the same things as you when it comes to snowboarding! Falling down the first day I hear really sucks, but I am hoping with more cushion it won’t be as bad! I am also slightly worried about renting a board that will hold my weight but you know what I wanna do it! I wanna try it! and so I will!

  11. On December 18th, 2010 at 9:57 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Please! Now I’m all excited about it, too! Take pics! And more importantly, relish every moment of it! Thanks, doll! =0)

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