Tank Top Tuesday!!!
My fatty philosophy: Live the life you love. Fuck the haters.
This picture is from my birthday adventures this summer, which included riding on a carousel. 🙂
You can find me at http://tutusandtinyhats.wordpress.com/, where I blog about fatshion and whatever else I feel like.
Lovely photo, Laura! Wow! The colors, your skirt, your smile…That horse?! So beautiful! Thank you for your submission! <3
I am always looking for submissions from anyone who wants to exercise their right to Bare Arms for future Tank Top Tuesday posts! Email your pics here:notblueatall@notblueatall.com,please include the name you’d like in the post, a blog or etsy shop you wanna plug, your thoughts on bare arms or other fatty philosophies. It does not have to be in a tank top, so long as your arms are bare. Have fun with it! And thank you to all who have submitted and continue to do so. These posts make my week! They are so fun and empowering, too! So keep ‘em comin’ and keep baring those arms!
Yay! Thank you for featuring me. 😀