Tank Top Tuesday!!!
I am taking submissions from anyone who wants to exercise their right to Bare Arms for future Tank Top Tuesday posts! Email your pics here: notblueatall@notblueatall.com,please include the name you’d like in the post, a blog or etsy shop you wanna plug, your thoughts on bare arms or other fatty philosophies. It does not have to be in a tank top, so long as your arms are bare. Have fun with it!
This was the first picture I’d ever taken of me in a sleeveless outfit. This picture is from like… 2 months ago? and this is the first time that I feel like I can actually post it. It’s actually not my arms that bother me the most but the fact that I have no neck, but my arms too! In addition to having big wobbly upper arms, that have a 2-inch difference in diameter, I also have Keratosis pilaris- that’s what the reddish patch is. For so long I’ve either worn sleeved shirts or shrugs, but I couldn’t find a shrug to match this dress; and I just said, eff it. I don’t even care that my bra keeps peeking out, I don’t care that it’s 40 degrees outside, I refuse to wear sleeves. And it wasn’t so bad! No one stared, no one pointed- someone did ask if I was cold, to which I answered, “desperately,†but nothing else changed when I let my arms free. Since then I’ve worn a handful of sleeveless shirts and dresses, and I even let my legs go bare under a midi dress last week. It’s so nice to not have to suffocate beneath needless layers of fabric, and let my body free.
Thank you for sharing your new found arm-freedom, Lucy! Check out her blog: cartoonfatshion.tumblr.com