
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Tank Top Tuesday!


I was so hoping to feature a different fat in a tank top every Tuesday, but it seems that’s not going to happen…at least for now. Seriously? If you are reading this, please consider sending in a pic of yourself in a tank top! Guys welcome, too! EVERYONE IS WELCOME! =0)

* Email it here with any info you’d like included (you can pimp your blog or etsy shop or whatever):

Today’s Tank Top Tuesday post is brought to you by the word: FAT!

Family Pack 060

That is my Ross hadband ($3.99 cannot be beat!)
Silhouettes Tank top (eBay rocks, yo!)
The belt came with a top a friend gave me from Kohl’s
And the “Fat” necklace I got here for $10 before I knew team Fance was making one. I want hers, too, but I’m broke as a joke right now. One day, perhaps.
Earrings are simple black ball-studs, from (Fabulous for gifts!)

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