
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Pre-No Lose Love!


It’s the day before No Lose and I was just chilling in my hotel room, applying to jobs, responding to emails, checking on things online like ya do, when I found out that some fabulous fatties were already here! They invited me to hang out in their room with snacks and crafts and how could I say no to that?! Well, I couldn’t! So I headed down there and it was so lovely to catch up with them!

What’s funny is that Allison lives only an hour away from me and yet we pretty much only see each other in passing. We were laughing about it of course, how we get to hang out together in Portland of all places. Ha-ha! But she’s fabulous beyond compare! And she’s a fellow pug owner. 😉 Vee I met at No Lose last year and instantly adored her. When Allison went to the craft store Vee and I had a wonderful talk about all things fat! I am so lucky to know these people and to get to see them in such an amazing and positive space!

Then when Allison returned she shared her bounty and victories and we ooh’d and aah’d at her finds! But seriously? This was fucking priceless:

I mean…I can’t even…She got a bunch of cool shit to decorate this cute jacket she had recently procured. I was so into it I whined, “Aw man, I want a crafty project jacket!!!” because that’s so cool! Ha-ha!

People kept giving them/us looks as we walked through the lobby of the hotel to the restaurant for lunch. It took me a minute to figure out why…matching shirts! LOVE IT! They should literally be the welcoming committee for No Lose! So awesome! Three cheers to three fierce fat femmes!!!

<3 Allison, Me and Vee <3

I cannot wait for the conference to begin! The workshops! The fashions! The rad fatty love every which way!!! So exciting!

Okay, I will do my best to update with more pics and stories as I can, but I might just get swept up in all of the fat positive glory! 😉


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One Comment to

“Pre-No Lose Love!”

  1. On July 19th, 2013 at 7:43 am Laura (dusty_rose) Says:

    Have fun! NOLOSE sounds so amazing. 😀 And those matching shirts are awesome! I’ve been wanting one of them forever.

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