
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Notblueatall’s TFIF Music…Post!


Oh my sweet, patient sweetie-darlings! I’m so sorry I’ve been away for so long. But I’ve opened that cafe I wouldn’t shut up about and haven’t touched a computer since! Whew! So much work, such little feet…what’s a gal to do? Oh my! Well, since I shall be workin’ hard ‘fo the money tomorrow I figured it’d be best if I post my Friday music-related-ness now so as not to dissapoint!

I leave you without a countdown, true, but I think if you give this album a listen, you’ll be surprised. I truly believe that it is the best live album I’ve ever heard. And believe me dears, I’ve heard a lot! Even my current fave band’s live album didn’t impress. So, yeah…check it out! (I cannot get “Ahead By A Century” out of my head, and I love it!)

Live Between Us – The Tragical…

Stay true and good to yourselves…no one else can do that for you!  You’re all beautiful! Never forget it!  =0)

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