Notblueatall’s TFIF Music Countdown: New Releases, sorta.
Looking at the last three weeks of new music releases you may find yourself asking (even aloud), “What Fucking Year Is It?!” Because seriously darlings, I did, too! I mean…woah! Alice In Chains, Collective Soul, Whitney Houston (single release), Third Eye Blind, Sister Hazel, Cypress Hill, Backstreet Boys (single release), Megadeath (single release)…and so many more. So what the fuck is up with that? (and Cheap Trick releasing a Sgt. Pepper album? Is the apocolypse nigh? I refuse to listen or embed it, but here’s the link:
While some artists have never truly left the music scene, others have been hanging underground and then there are the “retro-riders.” (Okay, I totally made that up but it works.) The few and the hungry, waiting for their particular style or genre to make a big comeback. While some may have been waiting for the right time for them, others I believe are playing the numbers game (everything trends in cycles, like waiting 15-20 years and something is “cool” again).
So is any of this stuff any good? Well…yeah, sorta. I mean, y’all probably read my abysmal review of Ms. Houston’s first single from her forthcoming album, but her lastest single, “Million Dollar Bill” while not terribly rivetting or cutting edge, it is still quite good. It may even get your toes a-tappin’! I know, right?! Ha-ha!
    Million Dollar Bill – Whitney …
I have to admit that while I love me some Jay-Z and Kanye, I’m not impressed with “Run This Town.” Sad to say it, but hip hop? It’s kinda tired. I mean, there’s nothing truly new or different…at all! It’s the same big names on each other’s songs remixing and fluffin’ up their egos without much substance or anything in the way of a political or social message (sorry, but I miss those). It’s time for a new wave of hip hop. Why not hip hop with a social conscience or something! I mean, even P. Diddy did the whole “Rock the vote” campaign and then he himself DID NOT VOTE! WTF?! Nope, I’m done with all of that.
  Run This Town [Jay-Z, Rihanna,…
 So as hard as it is, I give this new Third Eye Blind album a spin. And…and…*barf*gag*spew*choke*pant-pant*…it’s pretty bad. I simply cannot comment further for fear of ruining the wonderful Friday evening that lays ahead for me. Okay…no I will say one thing: Lyrics, seriously? Who fucking writes your lyrics? They are terrible. Okay, ahem, that is all. (For the record, I loved their first album, hard! Too hard and I broke it! Now I cannot stand it or them, at all!) If you think you can handle the nausea and such, go ahead and give it a go:
      Ursa Major – Third Eye Blind
Okay, now for Alice In Chains. What a great band, right? Well, it was! And when I heard their new single on the radio (yes, I still listen to the radio, not satellite) I was at first excited and then, well, sad. The intro gave me grungey-chills (I may be one of only a few people who fully grasps what that is or feels like), but then the vocals and lyrics and well…no! I want to scold them a little. Slap their wrists and go, “Bad Boys!” Not to mention some minor trash talkin abour California…but wev. That’s not the main issue. My issue is that it feels to me that they are trying just a bit too hard to capture what was and not focus on what could be. You know, the future not the past! Because the past is sad and it’s pigments are fading fast! Listen and judge for yourself. It’s an okay song, I just don’t think they really put their balls on the line with this one…it’s safe. So, fine.
   Check My Brain – Alice In Chai…
Who’s next? Oh okay, how about Sister Hazel. I used to love them! Not crazy band-girl style, but loved their tender tunage. I haven’t stuck with them and I will simply assume that they have released a few albums since they broke out with that big hit single, “If you could only see” way back when. This new album “release” (uninspired title, but wev) is true to their sounds. Good lyrics, great soulful vocals, fab finger strummin’ guitar styling…I dig it! It’s mellow. It’s a hot summer night out on the porch with beers and good friends. Check it:
 Release – Sister Hazel
I was hesitant to even listen to let alone review the new Megadeath single. But you know what? I don’t have time to be fearful of some 80’s metal dude’s wrath, so fuck it! Dear Dave Mustane: Find yourself, Start a new band, with strangers, maybe from Laos, dip a toe into your inner child’s soul and see what happens! Because this single “Head Crusher” could have been released anytime between now and 1981. That could be a good thing to some, but to me? Not so much. For reals, Dave, refresh yourself and your sound. You’re a talented guy. You don’t have to stick to the old grind. You can break out of this rut and find a new chapter in your life. Or better yet, create a new genre of rock! Go get ’em kiddo!
 Head Crusher – Megadeth
Frankly, the new Collective Soul album is more rock than most of the rock that’s calling itself that right now. For some reason they’re listed as pop on, but to me they’re more rock. Like seriously, Collective Soul could kiskc Shinedown and Nickeback’s asses! Collective Soul always have a great, full sound with meaningful lyrics that ring true. They aren’t putting up a front to sell records, they’re real and you feel it and I love that about them. They haven’t gone anywhere, they keep releasing great music and “they don’t stop!” Ha-ha! Definately a winner among this bunch! Rock on Collective Soul!
   Collective Soul [Deluxe Editio…
And for something completely different…Queen Latifah’s “Persona.” Only I would find it strange that there is no track with that title, but it doesn’t really matter. Reliably good, but I’ll say it with love, she should stick to jazz & acting. I loved Latifah back in the day. I loved “UNITY” and all those songs! I watched every episode of “Living Single” and still catch reruns when I can. But this album, it’s alright. It’s no standout performance and I am sure she put a lot of work into it, but it’s just not solid for me. It’s nothing new or exciting. (I have to wonder if it was produced by someone affiliated with The Pussycat Dolls though.) There’s a few fun tracks and I did like “Cue the Rain” with it’s guitar riffs and funky beats. I don’t think it will make a big impact though. And I hope I am all wrong about it because I wish her all of the success in the world.
  Persona – Queen Latifah
Um, okay, what year is it? Backstreet Boys? Really? Really?! Okay, Fine! Shit! I get it…you’re making music again (without Kevin). Okay, go for it. But, um…maybe change your name because it’s kinda sad! And this new song? Great 80’s new wave intro, but then the vocals and the club beat track start and well…Have you guys ever seen real instruments? I mean, even NKOTB play instruments! Okay, sorry…back to the music. It sucks. I never liked BSB and I guess I just never will. I have a feeling though that if they changed their name and went with a slightly more rock vibe (they could still do power ballads, don’t get me wrong) they might be good…maybe. Ha-ha! Were the lyrics for “Straight Through My Heart” written by whomever wrote that Leona Lewis “Bleeding Love” song, cause the lyrics are similar, just sayin’. (For P) Check it, I guess:
 Straight Through My Heart – Ba…
Cypress Hill. Hm. New single, “Get ’em Up.” Yep. It’s Cypress Hill. If you liked them before, you’ll like them now. So, “Get ’em Up!” ’cause they still wanna “smoke a pound” with ya.
     Get ’em Up – Cypress Hill
Sick of all of this new/old business? Check out As Tall As Lions. They are pretty chill, but good rock. I like it! Check ’em out:
 You Can’t Take It With You – A…
Like what I picked? Disagree with my reviews? Hit me up about it in the comment section! Speak up and be heard! For real!