
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

No One’s Gonna Stop Me…Now!


I have a feeling that some of you check in on this blog just to see how long my “happy” lasts. With all of the ups and downs I’ve had the last couple of years, let alone months, certainly the permanency of joy is always going to be held in question or doubt. Yeah, even for me. BUT I am here to tell you that it’s sticking around awhile! 😉

The last few days have been especially great, in no small part because of my wonderful boyfriend. I have been so exhausted getting used to my new job and schedule and we didn’t get to see each other all week. He’s incredibly busy with his work, always, but he tries to let me know he’s thinking of me often. I am still not used to that! Ha-ha! Thursday he sent me flowers to congratulate me on the new job and, the card said, “I’m thinking of you.” and really, that is what it’s all about.
Friday night I fell asleep beside my laptop around 7 pm only to awake twenty minutes later not knowing what was going on! Ha-ha! Saturday was fun and we had quite the unexpected downpour of rain, which was so awesome! Comic shop, library and then Edward Scissorhands…that’s a lovely-geeky Saturday afternoon if ever there was one! Sunday was shopping and Pixar’s Planes, good times!
Saturday night, however was it’s own mixed bag of happy! Ha! My roommate and I have never gone out together, I mean ever. We went to Denny’s for a late dinner one night with B and that was only a few weeks ago. That was the first time we’d ever left the house together. Saturday night we were both flying solo and she’d been on staycation remodeling her bathroom all week (the color she picked is gorgeous btw) and needed to get out of the house. She talked me into hitting up the local (crappy) bbw club and you know what? I had a really great time!
I still stand by my previous thoughts and opinions on that club promoter/dj (because he really is the worst in the bay), but I had a blast dancing the night away with my roommate (when the other dj was on). We both ran into some friends there and what fun to meet new and awesome folks and catch up with ones we’re already acquainted. The theme was Pajamas/Lingerie and we did dress the part (no pictures allowed!). Neither of us got too drunk or got hurt or sick. The worst was the soreness the next morning. Ouch! Totally worth it, even if we were texting one another the next morning from our beds. Ha-ha!
I have these moments throughout the day, at work or home or whatever, where I can’t believe that things are going to be okay. Like, it hits me that things are working themselves out, but I have to pinch or shake myself to really believe it. That’s healthy, right?! Ha! I just can’t believe how lucky I am these days. I know so many folks still struggling and going through some awful stuff, but I want you and them to know (so please tell them) to not give up and that good things are truly and honestly on their way. Sometimes you just have to give more weight or power to those smaller victories. Those near misses in life are little reminders, ya know? Reminding us to cherish what we have and to keep on keepin’ on.
Rad Fatty Love to ALL!

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