
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Naturally Curly


While cat/house sitting for my gal Jeanette, I used her shampoo and conditioner…for curly hair! “But you don’t have curly hair!” you might say. Well, the truth is, I do. I have naturally curly/wavy hair. It’s changed over the years and I haven’t always been kind to my hairs. I usually just blow dry it straight and get on with my day. Now that it’s short that task has decreased greatly and I am grateful for that. I have done so much to my poor hair over the years though. I go back and forth, embracing and hating, perming and straightening…never satisfied! 

I found out a few years ago on a spectacular weekend getaway with my fave peeps in the world to Napa that most people have no idea that I have curls at all. I let my hair air dry one hot day and my friends were surprised. I usually don’t because humidity = the frizzness, but sometimes I just don’t give a shit, ya know? Mostly in the summer because who wants to blow dry when it’s so hot out? But while I was at Jeanette’s using all of her magical potions and products (which I then had to go buy some for myself for the most part) I willingly got my curls on!

At first I let them hang out because I was curious, but I sort of dug it. I felt like I was a bit different. A new look and all. So I did it again and again and pretty much everyday I was at her place after that first go. I hadn’t let my curls out like that in years! So, despite my better judgment, I give you my curls:

I encourage everyone to embrace anything about you that you’ve wavered on before. Let it loose and shake it out! Realize that you are fantastic and awesome, naturally! I know that it was part outsider shame that I hated my hair for so long. Especially the color (yes it’s natural, yes I used to hate it, I love it now though). I feel like this little exercise in self-acceptance was extra special because I did it entirely on my own, well alone anyway, and I chose to like it. I chose to do it willingly and with love.

Special thanks to Jeanette for allowing me to use all of her products and to E. Burden for inspiring me as usual and making me feel sane and awesome, even when I’m not feeling bad to begin with (though damn, gurl, you make me feel good when I am so very down). Also, they are both truly naturally curly headed gals, too. Love ya, ladies! <3

curly hair :)

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13 Comments to

“Naturally Curly”

  1. On April 5th, 2012 at 4:43 am L.V.Newc Says:

    love it. 🙂

  2. On April 5th, 2012 at 8:06 am Not Blue at All Says:

    L.V.Newc: Thanks!

  3. On April 5th, 2012 at 5:44 am Todd Nichols Says:

    You have lovely hair. Continue to Rock!

  4. On April 5th, 2012 at 8:05 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Todd Nichols: Thank you, sir. And so I shall! 🙂

  5. On April 5th, 2012 at 5:47 am Patsy Nevins Says:

    Love your curls. Mine is wavy, was curly when I was small, & we redheaded girls rock! We are the rarest of the rare, red hair is something to celebrate. You look great!

  6. On April 5th, 2012 at 8:05 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Patsy Nevins: Thank you! Yes, I cherish my natural hue now, but growing up the kids were brutal, of course. <3

  7. On April 5th, 2012 at 9:08 am Ginny Says:

    I love everything about your hair!

  8. On April 5th, 2012 at 10:18 am Rachel Says:

    LOVE IT! But you knew I would, haha!

  9. On April 5th, 2012 at 6:01 pm Bonnie Says:

    I am delurking myself to say your hair has a great natural curl and if you grew it out to your clavickles would look really dreamy:) (your length now with your hair blown out is always lo vely and works well, but if you wanted a change it goes with your rediscovery of your artistic youthfulness). Anyway, as a former art school girl on the redheaded spectrum I have always indentified and connected with your posts. Glad to see you smiling!

  10. On April 5th, 2012 at 8:41 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Bonnie: You made my night! I love it when people de-lurk! Woo hoo!!! Thank you for the lovely compliments. I am trying to grow out my hair, but it’s a long process. I am speechless at this remark, though, “rediscovery of your artistic youthfulness” just wow.

  11. On April 6th, 2012 at 7:09 am Chuck Says:

    Wow pretty! Those curls look so soft and not crunchy… perfect. Can you tell us what the products are? I’m so tired of the tyranny of the blow dryer but mousse and such makes my curls so crispy.

  12. On April 6th, 2012 at 9:34 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Chuck: I actually didn’t end up buying the hair products yet, but will soon no doubt. The shampoo & conditioner were Herbal Essences for curly hair, blue bottles, smell fabulous. The first two pics in this post I did have mousse in my hair, but not much and only because I was going out dancing and knew my hairs would puff out from sweating if I didn’t have something extra. The trick for me is to wash/condition, but then after towel drying (which many say is a big no-no) I brush it and then flip it over and scrunch it all up in small chunks. Then I take a big hair clip, scrunch it all together as best I can and clip it on top of my head until right before I’m ready to leave. The other pics are the result of this scrunching technique. I remember in the early 90’s there was a spray you could get called “Scrunching Curls” that I loved as a tween…can’t remember the brand. It was a white rectangular bottle with red/yellow logo. Anyway, it worked well, I should see if it’s still out there. 🙂

  13. On April 6th, 2012 at 3:33 pm Chuck Says:

    Thank you!!!

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