
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

My Outfit From the Swap


I mentioned my outfit from the Swap in S.F. on Sunday and now I have a pic to share with you all:

The shrug was from I believe it’s an Ellos one, discontinued, as I wanted it in black, too.
The dress is Torrid (size 4), but I got it at a swap so there’s no telling when it was purchased.
The tights are from Avenue (microfiber size E) and the shoes are Doc Martens (eBay!)
The pearls my husband bought me a few years ago and the bag I got Vintage on

My make up (since people actually asked) was Clinque’s “Black Honey” collection which was a 3 color eye pallet, lipstick and gloss. I skipped the gloss and put a different, more pink color under the lipstick. My fave new mascara is the Falsies one, I think it’s Maybeline. My foundation (I never wear the stuff but had fun getting dolled up for the swap) was Almay’s color blend in light, just used the Revlon colorstay concealer and covergirl translucent pressed powder. And just ’cause, the glasses were from JC Penny. Ha!

I never know what to saw on these fatshion type posts. But here I am, in my strangely colorful glory! I had intended to wear that black eshakti dress, but it looked too formal/dark for the day. As per usual, I am 5’4″, 300+ lbs and full of sass, spunk, cheer and sarcasm.

Special thanks to Nicole for taking the fab photos! Can’t wait to see the rest! I know she’ll be recapping the swap on her blog, too! Woo!

22 Comments to

“My Outfit From the Swap”

  1. On April 13th, 2011 at 11:12 am Twistie Says:

    Awesome colorful outfit! You look fabulous, darling.

  2. On April 13th, 2011 at 11:39 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Why, Thank you!!!! <3

  3. On April 13th, 2011 at 11:40 am Patsy Nevins Says:

    Great photos & you look lovely. I have a pair of Doc Martens in my closet, but have not been able to get comfortable wearing them. I do have cerebral palsy, arthritis, & considerable balance issues, so perhaps Docs work better for able-bodied people, or maybe there is a breaking-in period until they are comfortable.

    I never cease to be amazed at what looking at photos around the fatosphere reveals to be about my body image. I always think that everyone looks great & it doesn’t matter whether the person in the clothes is much smaller or much larger than I am, I always think you all look much better than I do & that I could never put my photos on the ‘NET. I guess that just means that you can be passionate about fat liberation, a veteran of over 30 years, & still carry traces of the old ‘fat looks good on other people but not on me’ programming. However, I have to admit that, even during my very brief thin period nearly 40 years ago, I still saw myself as ugly & hated to be photographed. So body image, self-esteem, comfort in your own skin has nothing to do with body size.

    Thanks to you & to everyone for putting yourself out there & sharing. It helps me a little bit every time I see these pictures.

  4. On April 13th, 2011 at 11:46 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Patsy, I struggle, too! (I always think everyone looks better than me, perhaps it’s a lady thing?) I do it mostly to push myself out of my comfort zone and because I am trying to be the change I want to see in the world. I always feel a great lack of death fatties being represented in the ‘Sphere, so I put my own mug up and see what happens. Ha!
    Docs: Not knowing the style I can’t get specific. Some do take some breaking in, whoa! Others, like the ones in the pic? Took none. It depends a great deal, too, on the thickness of the sole. These have very thick ones and make me feel a foot taller (not really a foot). Others, like the boots? Terrible to break in and until they are really worn-in will feel bad on. You can try a leather softner and stretching, etc. Sometimes that helps. I’ve owned so many that I forget which ones need breaking more. Sorry. Docs aren’t for everyone. My husband wore his for ages, but never truly comfortably. The Dalai Lama suggested them to Pope John Paul II as a more comfortable footwear that could handle all occasions. He chose white and wore them forever! I love that!
    And thank you for being you! You’re amazing! <3

  5. On April 13th, 2011 at 12:16 pm Christine Says:

    You look awesome! As much as I love the DMs, I would have chose daintier shoes, as the whole thing looks very 50s. Also… why can I never get my hair to do that? 🙁

  6. On April 13th, 2011 at 12:21 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Well, thank you! The docs are what made this outfit for me. Without them I would have been miserable if not entirely insecure all together. I know that they aren’t for everyone, but they keep me grounded (literally and figuratively). And thank goodness because we walked a lot! Ha!

  7. On April 13th, 2011 at 12:39 pm Amanda E Says:

    Sigh… this makes me wish that I’d gone to the swap. And then in the same (mental) breath, I remember why I didn’t go. At a size 8X / Making it Big “L” on the bottom and 36/38 or more on top, I’m out of range of sharing clothes even with my fellow fatties, most of the time. Le sigh. Makes me feel melancholy.

  8. On April 13th, 2011 at 12:45 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Well, to be frank, I didn’t go for the clothes (thank goodness because I nearly walked away empty handed). I went for the fats! And luckily there was plenty of them to go around! Ha-ha! You’re absolutely right about there not being a wider range at these types of things. I would love to attend a death fatties only swap, but I’m feeling underwhelmed about organizing anything on my own at this point. If you have ideas on this though, do share! I’d love to hear ’em!

  9. On April 13th, 2011 at 12:42 pm Chutti Says:

    You look so great! I’m with you-I love the Docs with this outfit.
    Hubs (who is an artist and has great taste-most of the time) is always telling me I can’t build an outfit around a pair of shoes. To which I always want to say…nyah!
    The purse is super cute, but your best ‘accessory’ is the smile.

    Hope to be doing fat girl swaps again after we get moved back to the bay area. Sounded like a blast!

  10. On April 13th, 2011 at 12:54 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Actually, the docs were the very last thing I thought of. I’m with you on building outfits on the foundation of fab shoes, but this one was purely accidental. I was going to wear something else, even after the rave review from my husband, but then tried on those docs and that was it! Done deal!
    Thank you so much! You’re a doll, truly. <3

  11. On April 13th, 2011 at 6:56 pm Erika Says:

    That is REALLY cute! I wish we had swap things going on in our area. Shopping here for particular styles (they DO have larger ranges of sizes in normal style clothes, thank goodness) is ridiculous.

  12. On April 14th, 2011 at 7:50 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Thank you! You could always organize one yourself. Just need a venue, really. =0)

  13. On April 14th, 2011 at 6:36 am curvygurl Says:

    The whole ensemble is beautiful – you really rock it!

  14. On April 14th, 2011 at 7:50 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Aw, thank you!

  15. On April 14th, 2011 at 7:51 am jery Says:

    You look fabulous! And the background is very complimentary as well. When did you find time to paint the walls to match?
    Really cute outfit. So glad that you got some great stuff.

  16. On April 14th, 2011 at 7:56 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Thanks! Yeah, I showed up the night before to paint the walls of the alleyway there…Ha! That was my friend Nicole who said we should take pics in this teeny alley. They came out so great! She’s a natural, I tells ya! But, um, I didn’t get any of this at the swap. The dress was from my own swap with my fat meet ups back in November I think. Oh well. =0)

  17. On April 17th, 2011 at 8:40 am Nicole Says:

    Super cute! But of course, you already know that.

    I’m so glad I went to this. Can’t wait for the next one!

  18. On April 18th, 2011 at 7:52 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Thank you! Thank you! And yeah, it was a blast for sure! When IS the next one? Ha!

  19. On April 24th, 2011 at 10:14 pm Kath Says:

    I forgot to comment on this one and tell you how much I love your look!

    Now gimme those shoes.

  20. On April 25th, 2011 at 7:03 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Aw, thanks, Kath, but the shoes are just too precious to me. They are all over the web though. I got mine on eBay but I think I just saw them on Amazon for $40ish.

  21. On July 3rd, 2011 at 8:11 am Q Says:

    We have the same elbows! I always feel like I have to hide my elbows with long sleeves. My upper arm is so much bigger than my forearm… but you are going short sleeve and it makes me super happy. I am inspired to do the same 🙂

  22. On July 4th, 2011 at 9:11 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Oh my gosh, really? I am so glad to hear that I have inspired you in some small way. I know that I still struggle with going sleeveless (but because of my armpits and cysts and skin tags, not my arms themselves), but I hadn’t thought about my elbows before. Well, okay, no, I did yesterday when I felt sweat in the small fold that forms when I straighten my arms…First time I’d felt differently about them. We all have our days, right? I think you should release your elbows, embrace them (figuratively since you cannot physically) and just be comfortable in the knowledge that you’re not so different. And neither am I. Thank goodness for that! <3

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