
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.


I only recently discovered and Golda Poretsky, but I am glad that I did!

Last night I attended the free “How To Feel Sexy At Any Size Teleclass.” I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I was pleased to be on the listening end of so much positivity and self-love! (For a recording of the teleclass: I think that this is perfect for those who are super new to fat acceptance/size acceptance or are simply struggling with low self-esteem or food issues. Since I’ve been a part of the FA movement (and publicly fat) for a few years now a lot of it was a reiteration of the same HAES (Healthy At Every Size) message, but valuable to be reminded none the less. But again, that positivity was a-flowin’!

The hostess of the teleclass was  Goddess Oceana who was very charming and full of love and positive energy. I have to say it though, Golda Poretsky was the star of the show. I really felt that she cared about us (those on the call). I just felt it! Ya know? I especially appreciated her message about pleasing the senses. We’re so overly self-aware sometimes that we aren’t! Does that make sense? I mean, we’re so worried about how we appear or seem to others that we forget to please ourselves at all. She suggests engaging each of the senses. Taking a walk without the phone or iPod and just enjoying the sights/sounds/smells/etc. Love this! I highly recommend it to everyone. Although I would add to this by suggesting bringing a camera. I have done this and look back fondly on those few snapshots of trees and whatnot that I witnessed on that solo stroll.

She also generously offered a free 1 on 1 session for the first 20 committed applicants and I am sure that those spots went fast!  At the end there was a Q&A session that I stuck around for as I am always curious. I appreciated hearing voices from various parts of the nation & London even! Again, so much positivity!

I highly recommend this teleclass as well as the blog. The writing there is superb and now that I feel I know Golda a bit better, I’ll be staying up to date on the happenings there, too! (Definitely check out the Biggest Loser posts).

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