It’s The Simple Things…
That can make you feel so friggin’ awesome!!!
Like my tried and true pug-love, he is such a snuggle:
One dollar fingerless gloves from Target, you know those magical dollar bins when you walk in:
New tube of mascara, I am loving Maybelline’s Falsies Flared, just tried the “Drama Black”:
New lip stain for cheap, that claims it is “smooch proof” we’ll just have to see about that:
I’m wearing the “Berry Long Time” in the third photo above…I love the color!
Funky sneaker that reminded me of my niece, so I had to have them…they make me feel like a kid and a bad ass:
What simple things make you feel awesome? Share! <3
Good home cooking, old movies, snuggling with Jake the most evil kitty in the world, singing along with the music, watching birds cavort in my backyard.
Now I’m thinking how nice homemade cookies fresh from the oven would taste.
Hmmm… I may need to bake something.
Twistie: Favorite cookies to make? How about to eat? Sounds lovely…the birds are going nuts in my neighborhood, too. I love it.
I think the cookies I make the most are my Mexican chocolate chip cookies. Basically they’re just Toll House cookies, but I make them with Ghiradelli 64% cacao chips, and add some cinnamon and a dash of cloves to the dough.
Butt simple to make, delicious, and wildly popular at parties.
Twistie: *Drools* they sound perfect! I used to make my own chocolates for v-day and add a pinch of cayenne. YUM!
Finishing a craft project makes me feel awesome. Actually crafting is one of the high points in my life right now. I go to a great knitting group. The women there are really fun and caring. I love to share my knowledge and admire other people’s work and get inspired by what other people are doing and thinking about.
Twistie: Those cookies sound great. I’m probably going to steal that idea.
lowbudgetcyborg: Sounds like you have some serious knitting skills! I crochet, but have only done basic things. But crafting, you’re quite right, always makes me feel awesome, too! Woo!
@lowbudgetcyborg: Please do! They’re ridiculously simple and beyond delicious! Also? Finishing a craft project is really satisfying. I’ll never forget how good it felt when I finished the last stitch of my wedding lace. After a year of making those same two patterns, it did kind of feel for a moment as though I’d fallen off the face of the planet, but the sense of accomplishment was amazing.
I really need to try that NYC lip marker. Should have hit Walgreens/CVS when I was down there because they don’t seem to carry it in this area. Boo.
That is the type of mascara I use too – love. One of the best small things ever is using a tube of new mascara. Seriously. Each day I’ve worn in since opening, I think, “Wow! This is amazing.” Probably because I kept the last tube for wayyyy too long.
Simple things that make me feel awesome? Getting something done. Hahahaha. When there is a lot going on, it helps me to celebrate the fact that something got done, even if it is small.
Nicole: Hmm…well you can get it from their web site or I could grab you some. Just need to know what color. Only 5 bucks at Target when I was there last. <3