
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

It’s Donut-Pajama-Video Game Day!


Or at least it is for me…it’s actually the third annual, but my point is that it’s mega-important to set aside an entire day, at least once a year, to engage your inner child and have a kick ass time! We have no plans for the day other than what is included in the name of the day. The only rule is that no matter what we do or where we go we must stay in our pj’s. It’s awesome. People get jealous. I love when people see four adults in pajamas out in public. It’s a look of delight, surprise and then, “Damn, I wish I was in my pajamas!”

And anyone asking about my resolution for 2012 today? Well, they may just get a full can of  “shut the fuck up!”

Ha-ha! Cheers to you!

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9 Comments to

“It’s Donut-Pajama-Video Game Day!”

  1. On December 29th, 2011 at 11:59 am Patsy Nevins Says:

    I am not so good at video games, but I can rock the pajamas & the diets. I am there with you in spirit. It sounds like a fun day.

  2. On December 30th, 2011 at 10:59 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Patsy: I’m terrible at video games, but when others are too it makes it that much more fun! No worries on the Freudian slip, I know how bad the advertising is this time of year. UGH!

  3. On December 29th, 2011 at 1:24 pm erylin Says:

    so what is the video gmae this year?

  4. On December 30th, 2011 at 11:00 am Not Blue at All Says:

    erylin: we have a few, mostly on the Wii. This year we enjoyed a lot of Mario Kart and Wii Resort Sports.

  5. On December 29th, 2011 at 2:29 pm Patsy Nevins Says:

    Freudian slip there, I see, been reading/hearing too much about diets. I can rock the donuts, I meant. Sheesh~!! I haven’t rocked a diet since 1978.

  6. On December 30th, 2011 at 10:16 am Alena Says:

    I wish I wore my pajamas to work today!

  7. On December 30th, 2011 at 11:00 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Alena: You probably could have. Who would have known?

  8. On December 31st, 2011 at 10:05 am Jery Says:

    Alena, You should have wore a coordinating dressy top and had your pj bottoms on!
    This year was a lot of fun. I think I wanna make special pajamas for next year. With material that has booze bottles on them or something. hahaha

  9. On December 31st, 2011 at 11:55 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Jery: Oh, great idea! I’ll have to coordinate a truly glamorous marabou trimmed numbuh! Ha-ha!

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