
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Inspired By Inception


Have you seen the movie “Inception” yet? Oh! It’s so good!

Well, I won’t give anything away (not that I think anyone could ruin it), but I wanted to share a little bit of inspiration I got from it. Okay, more like fashion inspiration from Ellen Page’s character in the film. She wore all of these really cute layered outfits with rad accessories and such. I love accessories, don’t get me wrong, but the scarf worn in the front thing? Never tried it! So the day after seeing the movie with two of my fave peeps in the world, I wore this to work:

cafe 001

I truly need a vest to complete the look, but I don’t have one and that’s that.

The t-shirt is from Old Navy (’bout three years ago) and the jeans are Avenue’s denim lite straight leg in a 30 average. I have no idea where the scarf came from. My mother in law perhaps? But I love the combo of green and purple, so I went with it. It has branches all over it. Sunglasses are prescription from JC Penny Optical three years ago. And yes, that is my little cafe I’m standing in. I have a horrible time trying to take pics of myself, but this was alright, just a bit wonky. Ha-ha!

Your thoughts? Thanks for reading.  =0)

posted under fashion, fat, FUN!, inspiration, movies
2 Comments to

“Inspired By Inception”

  1. On September 1st, 2010 at 8:20 am kimstrauss Says:

    i love it as-is! i love that scarf-in-the-front look, too, but have never tried it myself. i always see it done with plaid (which i don’t like), so it’s SUPER CUTE to see you doing it in an interesting print and a t-shirt.

  2. On September 1st, 2010 at 9:04 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Oh, thank you! I do love plaid, but the buffalo style check-prints that are all the rage right now? Not so much. I was not very confident with the scarf going on in the front, but I loved the look in general. Thanks so much.

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