
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Holiday Support


I think it’s important to have someone to call/text/email when you’re going to be dealing with family for the holidays. That support is so vital. I know it is in my life and if you have someone like that in yours you know all too well. But without that support such endeavors can seem futile or worse. So I think we should start setting up little networks of support with and for each other online so that when we are in that mega time of need we will know who to reach out to for support!

Please comment with your concerns or email addresses and we’ll see if we can get people connecting. For now I offer my own email for such support, and now that I have one of those smarty phone dealies, I can read those emails on-the-go! notblueatall at notblueatall dot com, do reach out if you feel the need. Don’t hesitate, second guess or question yourself…just do it!

And don’t worry, my “life stuffs” series isn’t over yet. But in case you missed ’em, here ya go:

Step 1: Stop Giving A Damn

Step 2: Do What Makes YOU Happy

Step 3: Keep Going

Step 4: Be Honest Even When It Scares You/Them

Step 5: Be Brave

Step 6: Take Lots Of Pictures

Step 7: Let Go

I do hope that these have helped you as much as they have helped me. I hope you keep these in mind when dealing with haters and assholes and people just who just don’t get it and may never will…but also for those who may also need such guidance and advice when they are dealing with their own struggles and journey.

I would love to hear from anyone who has had any experiences using the steps. Have you tried taking pics of yourself? Have you bought a cape or tiara? Have you been truly honest and stopped lying all together? Have you considered letting go of a relationship in your life? How are you brave today? I want to hear from you! I would love to do a series of guest posts or picture essays…I know how much it helps me to see others doing radical and awesome things and I want you to know that I know for a fact that it helps sooooooo many people when you do.

So as you go about your holiday business, don’t forget to honor and trust yourself. Be honest with yourself and others. Let people know if they have disrespected you or if they rock your socks! Keep going!!! Because you are incredible and amazing and you are worth every ounce of effort and energy and love in the universe! <3


You can also “Like” the blog’s Facebook page for additional info, articles, funny things, random OOTDs and more!

I’m also planning a big fat liberation/acceptance/pride event in San Jose, CA this January. I don’t have an official website for it yet, but here’s the FB event page if you’d like to share…please do! The website should be up soon and more info will be added to the event page as things get confirmed. Hope to see you at “Fatty Affair!”

6 Comments to

“Holiday Support”

  1. On November 24th, 2011 at 6:51 am dogwatcher Says:

    thank you for being here online today. i have an eating disorder and just trying to stay calm. i usually have the same thing for lunch every day and even that causes me a lot of anxiety. so even just having a different meal is hard for me. thankfully my sister, with whom i’m sharing Thanksgiving is very supportive and loving. so just trying to breath and stay calm.
    thank you!

  2. On November 24th, 2011 at 10:46 am Not Blue at All Says:

    dogwatcher: *Hugs* I am so glad that you get to spend your day with someone who cares about you and supports you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I can only imagine the difficulty this day can prove to be for you.

  3. On November 24th, 2011 at 1:35 pm Lori Says:

    I wanted to wish all my American Friends Happy Thanksgiving, we dont celebrate it here in the UK bu today I am thankful that I have eventually found a new house but I wont be in until after christmas. I am thankful for my wonderful family who are rallying around trying to help me get stuff for the new place. I am also thankful for NOTBLUEATALL and the people who comment on this blog, whether you know it or not you have probably all helped in some way whether making me laugh or taking me out of my own troubles so a big fat thank you.

  4. On November 24th, 2011 at 2:00 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Lori: you are the sweetest thing! Thank you!

  5. On November 26th, 2011 at 6:22 pm thirtiesgirl Says:

    I’d love to be part of the support connection, especially because I *really* need it when going to visit family for xmas. But unfortunately for me, visiting family is going to “the land that time forgot,” where I don’t have internet connections and I turn off my cell phone. I’m on my own for the few hours I spend with them, which is also partially why the time I spend with them is so short. I sometimes rely on my therapist for help, but I feel awkward calling her over the holidays, so it’s something I don’t do often. This year may be a little different, though, since a lot of things are changing in my family dynamic with my mom aging and her deterioration getting worse, more support staff around and a new person living in my my mom and her housemate’s house to give her housemate extra support. …Anyway, thanks for the offer, and I hope your holiday season is as stress-free and goes as smoothly as possible.

  6. On November 27th, 2011 at 7:25 am Cia Says:

    I’m totally up for being there for mutual support in the holidays (and other times as well). Sign me up for the Scandinavian division of the support network! 🙂 My email adress is ciamaria at online dot no.

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