
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Gotta Say It Was A Good Day


Today I did something I hadn’t ever done before. I woke up feeling pretty good, more energy and spunk than usual. I consider myself a pretty lazy femme as far as femme-y ways go. I’m low maintenance, but especially when it comes to my hair. I literally woke up, fed my puggyman, pooped, splashed water on my face and simply twirled the front section of my hair and clipped that to my head (I’d had it in a bun all night, took it out and shook it). That’s it! Oh…I got dressed!

I don’t know why, but ever since starting this job ‘o mine, I seem to always wear dresses on Thursdays. I really don’t know why this began or why I keep it up, but I just do. I had bought this Torrid dress a few weeks ago when I spent my Haute Cash and hadn’t worn it yet. This morning, wanting to wear something a bit different, I grabbed this baby, popped off the tag and threw it on over my teggings (from ReDress) and hit the road.

The big deal here is that I didn’t wear a sweater or shrug or even a hoodie over it. I did bring a hoodie, just in case. Just in case what? Just in case I a.) suddenly felt uncomfortable or not so brave, b.) someone made me feel it wasn’t professional enough and c.) I got cold. I did get cold for all of an hour, but the rest of the day I was happily and comfortably sleeveless…at work!!! No one said shit about my arms or being sleeveless. A couple of folks liked my dress, but randomly, even more liked my hair today. “This bed head?” I said. Someone even remarked on my hair color and was amazed it was natural (I showed her my white hairs Ha!).

Torrid size 4 Butterfly Dress <3

Torrid size 4 Butterfly Dress <3

I was feeling pretty dang good all day for no particular reason. Just a pep in my step and a tune in my head. The weather was great, 77 degrees! Couldn’t ask for more. Even went in with a couple of coworkers to have our lunches delivered. We got Super Burritos! Then someone gave all of the admins mini bundt cakes and we got to pick our fave flavor…I went for the chocolate…Because! Then someone had a birthday and gave us all cake. Cake day! So I am saving my mini bundt for tomorrow and happily enjoyed the birthday cake in the late afternoon. Nice!

When I got home from work after sitting in so much traffic (Oh Bay Area!) I had to pee right away. Ha-ha! Then I changed my shoes and took my little puggo for a long walk. This time I grabbed my big comfy headphones, plugged ’em into my phone, and hit the pavement! We had so much fun! We must have walked a mile and a half (that’s like ten miles by pug/hobbit standard Ha!). I promised myself that I would walk him everyday this week since I’d been out of the house so much the last few weeks. It felt so good! Great music and scenery!

When we got back I fed his little mug and went to the kitchen to grab something for myself. I was so excited when at Target on Monday to find a seasonal Angry Orchard cider that I’d tried last year and loved, Elderflower! It’s subtle but lovely. It’s not too sweet, though sweeter than a traditional draft, and the flavor hits your palette in the finish, a light and flowery aftertaste. Delightful! I have been stocking my cupboard with these Go Picnic things, like a grown up Lunchables. I like the variety in flavors and textures. No refrigeration required. And my love of loves…Noosa! I have long said I hate yogurt and especially yogurt commercials. Yuck! But my lovely boyfriend turned me on to Noosa and there’s no going back for me! It’s supposedly “Australian style” but I just think it’s fucking delicious! It’s thick and rich and creamy, much like Greek style. My favorite is the tart cherry but I don’t think they have a bad flavor in the bunch.

Angry Orchard Elderflower, Go Picnic, Noosa yogurt

Angry Orchard Elderflower, Go Picnic, Noosa yogurt

I grabbed a package on our way back in the house and finally opened it before settling in for the night. Citracal?! Ha-ha! I’ve been staying up, not too late, watching my favorite show of all time, Good Times. Well, there was an advertisement for Citracal that made me feel like I needed it. I am sure I’m not getting much calcium in my diet, well not enough anyway. The reviews were incredible, too. The silly shit I buy, I tell ya! At least it wasn’t an infomercial product! Ha-ha!

Citracal? Yeah, late night t.v. makes me do silly things.

Citracal? Yeah, late night t.v. makes me do silly things.

I have been truly enjoying a nice walk down memory lane watching Good Times. I remember watching reruns as a little kid. Damn it’s a great show! They tackled subjects never even mentioned on t.v. before, in the early 70’s! And I have come to realize that it is because of that show, and specifically “Flo” and “Wilona” that have set the standard for my idea of friendship. They were always there for each other, even when they fought or weren’t speaking.

My good mood is still holding strong. Tomorrow I have first aid training at Red Cross. Don’t even have to go into work! Woot! I even get off early. Finally a Friday I can truly enjoy! Ha-ha! Here’s to music and friends and great weather and just feeling good after so long of feeling awful and tired. Look out weekend ’cause, here I come!

Look at that mug!!!

Look at that mug!!!

Take care of you!

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One Comment to

“Gotta Say It Was A Good Day”

  1. On July 2nd, 2014 at 5:29 pm V Says:

    You look super cute and I love the puggyman’s crazy eyes!

    Also: yum, our favorite yogurt!

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