
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Fun Fatshion Friday


This outfit was what I wore on my day off this week. I went to get coffee and grocery shopping and then saw a movie. I was out & about! And…Publicly FAT!

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Still getting used to my new camera, but I found my little gorilla tripod and it turned out okay.

Headband: Ross $3.99 (I have four!)
Dress/Top: Ross, can’t remember the brand, but it was $12.99
Crops/Capris: Avenue Chinos
Pearls: Shane Co. $100 a few years ago, love them!
Glasses: JC Penny, Yo!

I must admit, it was a bit of a challenge for me to go out like this (read: sleeveless!) for all of my various errands and fun. Somehow though, I felt very powerful. People looked at me and I didn’t cringe. I saw a fellow fats at the mall where I saw the movie and we smiled at each other. She was wearing a tank top! So at least my sleeveless-ness wasn’t a solo effort! Ha-ha! In fact, when I did notice people looking at me, I smiled and looked them in the eye. This can be very uncomfortable for a lot of people, but I figure it’s gotta be harder for me than them, right?! I’m the one being appraised here. Again, powerful stuff, my lovelies!

Yesterday while chatting with my good friend, Lu (she’s 85 and fabulous), we saw this gorgeous butterfly fly right into the cafe and was desperately trying to get out but was caught up on the window and finally rested awhile and I snapped a pic. Later we decided we had to intervene, so I sort of gently scooped it from the window and you know, when I took it outside it didn’t want to leave my hand! I thought I’d have to name him! Ha-ha! But eventually I placed him on a marigold and he took off into the clear blue sky!

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From outside the window:

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Just lovely! I’ve always loved butterflies and have two tattoos of them. They are amazing creatures.
And if you’re into them, I highly recommend the book “Dangerous world of butterflies” Oh so good!

Have a great weekend! I will be giving it my all. It is a choice, after all,  and I have chosen to make it so!

6 Comments to

“Fun Fatshion Friday”

  1. On July 16th, 2010 at 1:39 pm incurable hippie Says:

    Go you! The sleeveless top looks *fab*, love it!

  2. On July 16th, 2010 at 1:44 pm admin Says:

    Oh, thank you! And thanks for commenting, too! =0)

  3. On July 18th, 2010 at 12:29 am j. Says:

    You betta werk!!!
    What movie did you see?
    I’m jealous. Haven’t been to the movies in a million years.
    Looking good, girlfriend!

  4. On July 19th, 2010 at 8:45 am admin Says:

    Oh stop! But thanks. *blushes*

  5. On July 19th, 2010 at 9:14 pm Erin Marie Says:

    L-O-V-I-N-G the purple!

  6. On July 20th, 2010 at 9:09 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Oh, thank you! I do love purple. I guess I should wear it more often. Ha-ha! =0)

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