Fuck anthropologie!
Fuck them for being so expensive.
Fuck them for carrying only very limited sizes.
Fuck them for offering things I didn’t even know I wanted (or dreamt of)
And just fuck them.
(This post was inspired by my fave design/fashion/food blog www.ohjoy.blogs.com I love the blog but damn! So frustrating to see amaing and gorgeous things and knowing I can’t have them.)
That is all. Thank you!
Hear, hear. EFF YOU ALL, STUPID RETAILERS is the refrain of my shopping life.
(The alternating chorus is also “eff you for making me want things I didn’t know I wanted and now I can’t even have”. You’ve put it SO WELL.)
Yay! I’m glad I’m not the only one. Ha-ha! Thank you!!!
I get annoyed every time someone raises them as an example of good, populist fashion. If they’re populist, why do they exclude 50% of women from ever wearing their clothing? Grrr.
Yes! Grrrr, indeed! =0)