
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.



Some fluff, thoughts and even some neat-o stuff I thought would be of use:

I really liked this article about conversational phrases. Go beyond the usual chit-chat!

While I cannot stand the word they use in this article “Obesogens” there are some useful facts about chemicals in food:
(Trigger warning: mentions weight loss, dieting and other related talk)

12 things retailers do to get us to spend more, more and more:

9 myths & facts about lightening!

Brain teasers and optical illusions:

2011 Betty White calendar to benefit Morris Animal Foundation: I LOVE IT

Adipositivity = Fabulous!
This one makes me completely unable to stop smiling:

This blog makes me daydream:

This blog makes me giddy for a new project:
Oh the possibilities!!!

This is terrible, awesome, funny and creepy:

What are your plans for this weekend? Are you happy it’s Friday? I have to work tomorrow, but still plan on enjoying my Friday this evening. Woot for the weekend!  =0)

“Pinhole” lens                        “Fish-eye” lens

“Drawing” lens

The babies! Hover-cat & Melty-pup!

2 Comments to


  1. On July 24th, 2010 at 9:46 am j. Says:

    OMG!! We had seen the pug video last week, but it was only the pug being filmed. Love it that someone put it with the Batman theme song!!!

  2. On July 24th, 2010 at 9:52 am Not Blue at All Says:

    I almost didn’t post it because it did seem a bit creepy, but then it just made me laugh and laugh. It’s now hilarious. Thanks

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