
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Feelin’ Good


I’m in a much better place, mentally, than I thought possible, all things considered. I’ve had such massive waves of insecurity I sort of worried if I’d ever feel like “me” again. But I do and here I am and I’m okay. Actually, I’m a little better than okay today. I’m feeling pretty dang good, both mentally and physically.

Wednesday evening I was taken on an impromptu date to Taco Bell by my BFF P! We randomly wore the exact same color palette (black and red, yo!) and went back to his for fun cocktails and awesomely bad movies. He and I hadn’t hung out just the two of us in years and oh how I loved every minute of it! (We are also starting a movie review YouTube channel, so stay tuned for the hilarity!)

Yesterday…ahhh! Yesterday was sublime! (I don’t know that I’ve used that word much in my life.) The bf took the day off to spend with me and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. We did so many fun things! My favorite though was going to Nickel City! It’s this arcade sort of place, but it’s all run on nickels ($2 admission) and a lot of the older arcade games are on free play (Tetris anyone?!). Ohmigosh! So much fun! We won a bunch of tickets from various games and cashed them in for a Spongebob puzzle and a couple of matching, silver, plastic dollar sign rings. It’s silly and tacky and hilarious and I think I’m in love with this ring! I want to wear it always! 😉 Mostly it was just lovely to spend so much time with someone I, well, want to spend all my time with. Ha-ha!

I went to bed smiling last night and woke up that way as well. It’s hot out and the birds are singing and I slept gorgeously (so needed). I randomly decided to wear this Torrid top I’d bought at least five years ago. I love this top, but have never worn it. I always put it on, then freak out about it and put on something else before going out. Ugh! It’s so pretty and I always thought I could wear it confidently, but that hasn’t been the case. I thought I could pair it with a smart shrug or something, but let’s face it, when it’s hot enough to wear this kind of top you’re so not wanting to layer it. Ugh! But today I felt great and it’s hot out and I thought, “Fuck it! I’m doing this thang today!!!” and so I did!

(Sorry, couldn’t get a full body shot, plus I’m just in my undies right now. Ha-ha!)

And a side note here, can I bitch for a moment about my Sally Hansen Gel manicure thing? Ugh! I’d wanted this thing for awhile and finally found a new one on eBay for a steal. I realize I didn’t pay full price, but I was excited to use this product. It claimed a long lasting (2 weeks) chip resistant manicure. ONE DAY!!! It last one fucking day! First thing yesterday on nail entirely peeled off (see pic above)! WTF?! The rest are all chipping and catching on everything. I’ll be taking it all off today, but seriously this is some bullshit! 1-2 days versus two weeks?! Not cool! I do not recommend this product at all. I expect more from Sally Hansen (for some reason) and cannot believe how much they’re charging (retail) for this crap. Ahem. *StepsOffSoapBox*

So, yeah, I’m feeling pretty good. Going to stay in today until it cools off. Have many jobs to apply to anyway. I’m waiting to hear back about my unemployment claim. Fingers crossed. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

posted under Blog, fat, FUN!, Reviews, Uncategorized
7 Comments to

“Feelin’ Good”

  1. On June 7th, 2013 at 4:18 pm jlf Says:

    Are you sure that you prepped your nails properly? The gel manicures I used to get required substantially more prep of the nail surface and nailbed than needed for a normal manicure.

  2. On June 9th, 2013 at 8:09 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    jlf: I did in fact prep my nails thoroughly, per the product’s instructions. I finally peeled them all off (a bit too easily if you ask me) a day after this post was written. I’ll stick with traditional polishes for now I think.

  3. On June 8th, 2013 at 4:29 am Veronica Says:

    I’m happy you’re feeling so happy, darlin’!=)

  4. On June 9th, 2013 at 8:08 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Veronica: Thanks, doll. It happens! Ha-ha!

  5. On June 9th, 2013 at 9:13 am Linda Says:

    Wow, you look so fresh, summery ( is that a real word?), and amazing in the top. Wear that with pride Sistah. NO wrap, why cover perfection?

    I must admit, I feel like I may be addicted to your Blog. You are so REAL, funny and have a beautiful insight into life. So happy I stumbled on here a few days ago.

    Take care and have an exciting (in a good way) weekend.


  6. On June 9th, 2013 at 8:08 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Linda: Real is just about the best compliment I could ask for, thank you for that! 😉

  7. On June 10th, 2013 at 9:31 pm E. Burden Says:

    You look adorable. And I hate the nail sets, I can’t ever get them to work right. :/ Also, yes please to Youtube movie reviews!

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