Fat Hate From Marie Claire Blogger
Please go to Fatshionista.com and read today’s post! Because it perfectly illustrates exactly why I write this blog and why I go out of my way to be publicly fat and why we have to fight tooth and nail to be seen as even close to equals. And I know it’s never easy! And it may never get easier, but I sure as hell am not giving up, especially in the face of such fat hate as the above post talks about.
I just wanted to say Thank you! Thank you for making this blog! I have just recently started my own blog after reading many other Body Acceptance blogs like yours. i was moved to start one of my own. I love love love your blog and I always enjoy reading your posts!
Thank you for being publicly fat and thank you for using the word fat! I hope and wish that more people will realize that Fat is not a bad word its not a evil or negative word it just a descriptive word like tall or short or blonde. I just happen to be fat and tall! I just started to realize that fat is not a bad word and doesn’t have to be a bad word. I can tell my family yes I am fat thank you very much!
Finally Thank you for not giving up! More people in this world need to stand up against inequality not just inequality of fat people but of gay people and African Americans and Mexicans and poor people and of all people!
Thank You, Amber, for starting your blog and for contributing to the fight against hate. That is what it all boils down to: Hate of anything deemed “different” by who knows who. Congrats on the blog and for reclaiming fat for it’s original purposes! =0)