
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions. A Review


As a long time wearer of prescription glasses, I know all too well the pains, aesthetic and financial, of finding new eyeglasses. When I went into business for myself and became my own boss, that also meant not having things like big corporate benefits and insurance. Bummer! BUT I was soon introduced to a whole new way to buy glasses…ONLINE!

“What?! How the heck does that even work?! I’m no optician!”
I know, I know! And believe me, I had my doubts. Through many years of trial and error, I have finally found what works best and how to avoid the common pitfalls of online glasses shopping! I’ve tried the bargain buys and designer deals and find that I’m really neither and yet both at the same time. Ha-ha!
My most recent dip in the waters of online spectacle buying has left me quite satisfied. My first choice ended up not working out for me, but I was pleased with the level of service, turn around of my return and insistence on my satisfaction that GlassesUSA provided me. When I received my new pair of glasses I was hopeful, but as always with buying stuff online, a bit apprehensive. No one likes being disappointed.
I chose them because I was intrigued by the flexibility factor but also a lightweight and durable frame?! Seemed too good to be true! I was wrong…they rock!

I ended up with the purple and baby blue pair from the Ultem Collection. The purple was a touch darker than I expected, but after wearing them to work…They are perfect! In fact, they are so light weight that I kept checking to make sure they were still on my face! And they are super bendy! I love showing people, too, “Hey, check out my new glasses!” *BendsInAllDirections* and always they respond, “Whoa! Cool!” I love that!


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I love innovation and creative solutions to everyday problems, it’s what I do everyday in my own life and at work. So when I see a product or company that feels the same I typically jump right on it. Only this time? They found me first! Ha-ha! In the interest of full disclosure, I was gifted a pair of glasses by GlassesUSA in order to provide a true and honest review. I was impressed with their commitment to customer satisfaction! As a former corporate trainer in customer service (a job I miss and would love to do again), I appreciated this beyond words!
When my first pair didn’t work out, they made sure my return was easy and seamless (but you will need access to a printer for the prepaid return shipping label, this was my only obstacle). When I chose my new frames, they emailed me to confirm that my prescription had not changed to ensure no further issues. No other glasses website I have encountered has ever done that. I have tried local companies, oversees ones and everything in between. I can honestly say that I am most satisfied with my newest experience and pair of glasses I got from GlassesUSA. Their selection was impressive, but their prices were even more so!
They offer…
  • 110% lowest price guarantee and a 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • A generous refer-a-friend program (You can get $30 for each first purchase a referred friend makes – and use the $30 towards your next pair of glasses)
  • A Facebook page and Twitter feed with exclusive discounts for fans
Their most current discount codes can be found here Sales & Coupons
And readers of this blog can take 10% off any order. With code: Blog10
From GlassesUSA:
“Seeing properly shouldn’t be a luxury – it should be a necessity. We do our best to help our customers and we take their vision needs very seriously by providing our customers with top quality lenses in the most fashionable frames available!”
I believe my complete prescription glasses (this included lenses and coatings) was around $70 total. Not bad! In fact, hella good! I remember paying $300+ at the eye doctor’s office. No more!!!
Here’s my tips for buying glasses online:
  1. Get your eyes examined! Not being snarky! Ha-ha! But you’ll need a current prescription in order to buy prescription glasses online. Sorry, that’s just how this works. I do recommend checking out your local JC Penny or Sears for exams or even Site for Sore Eyes, as they typically run promotions for exams at $50+/- which is a great deal!
  2. Get that prescription on paper! Many opticians will refuse, knowing you can just buy online and leave them and their huge mark ups in the dust. I usually say that I’m traveling abroad and want to make sure I have my prescription handy “just in case!” I once had one absolutely refuse and insisted that they would only Fax it (what is this? the 90’s?!) to another optician or optometrist. Psshht! I don’t know the legality of such a thing, as it is MY info/prescription, but be aware of the possibility. *Also, ask them to take and write down your PD or Pupil Distance measurement as this is very difficult to do on your own and you will absolutely need this in order to buy online.
  3. Measure your favorite and most comfortable pair of frames in Millimeters:
  • Measure your frames across the front, this is called Frame Width
  • Measure the height and width of one of the lenses Lens height/width
  • Measure the arm that goes over your ear (from frame to end of arm), this is called Temple Arm Length
  • Measure the part that goes over the bridge of your nose

Now you’re ready to start shopping! Please keep in mind that not all shaped frames will work for all shaped faces. You might look up how to choose the right shape frames for your face on google, I know I have and now stick with rectangular frames for my roundish face. I would also suggest using a picture of yourself without glasses on, so you can upload it and virtually try on frames online (different sites have different names for this feature)! Also? Have fun with colors! I used to only go for frameless or really skinny/barely there frames and now I go for the complete opposite and love it! Bold! Colorful! Fun! Hey?! That’s me!!! 😉

GlassesUSA also offers a NEW share-able Virtual Mirror feature!
I have not yet tried this feature but it sounds super cool! Let me know what you think when you try it!

LSP: Unintentionally Inspirational?


This is “LSP” or “Lumpy Space Princess” (if you’re nasty?!)…she’s from a cartoon I love called “Adventure Time” on the Cartoon Network. She sounds like a valley girl and is, um, lumpy! I fucking love her!!! She floats around and generally just talks smack and snarks at people, but you also see the insecurity behind the lumps, if you will, and how difficult it is to be a teenage girl in today’s society. LSP is both sassy and confident and insecure and dying to fit in (she once wanted surgery to smooth out her lumps so she’d be seen as hot or attractive)! It is because of this, her realness and honesty, that I love her so.

Her catchphrases include: “Lump off!” “What the lump?!” “Oh my glob!” and “You can’t handle these lumps!”

In fact, I love her so much I want to dress up as LSP for Halloween this year! I’ve been thinking about it for awhile and only now started to look into it online. When I looked up “Lumpy Space Princess Cosplay” in google images? Holy amazeballs! So many rad fatties!!! I realized right then that I couldn’t be the only one to notice this possibly unintentionally inspirational rad fatty cartoon character! Yay!

And oh how inspiring the fatty cosplay stuff is! People never cease to amaze me! So fucking creative and awesome! I love them all, but I won’t lie, the one that really made me want to be LSP for Halloween was this one:

There’s actually a bunch of pics of this rad fatty in her LSP costume (on Tumblr) and it’s so fabulous! There’s also tons of human-like fan art of LSP:

So fun! If you haven’t seen the show or just aren’t into cartoons, well, you might like it? It’s sort of a fantastical world where magic and shit happens. All in the name of ADVENTURE!!! *SwordThrust* I know it’s not for everyone, but I’m hooked! My favorite character changes often, but LSP has some great and memorable lines. Watching her character struggle and remind me of some old pressures and cliches, I’ve grown to love her so!

What do you think about LSP? Accidental fat inspo? Do I have it all wrong? Hit me up in comments! 😉



(I love her so much that when my bf saw a little plushy LSP at the store he exclaimed, “Oh! I have got to get this for you!”I now keep her on my bedside table. <3 “You can’t handle these lumps!”)


So Many Pictures!


All of the following photos are from the Talent Show and Fashion Show at NoLose 2013 (All photos by the lovely, gorgeous and talented Lilia Schwartz who through her photos I finally saw what others do. <3 )

I kind of love the pic of my back in the blue dress…it has it’s own sass! I had no idea! I love that! Yay back!

Unfortunately I was unable to get video of my first solo dance, but these photos make my performance look way better than what I felt happened. Ha-ha! I have learned some things from my two forays back into dance/performing: 1.) A solid/bold outfit always wins 2.) smiles and sass will cover your ass (when you forget all of your choreography) 3.) no one knows the choreography but you anyway, so improvise when you have to or just want to. 😉

The black and white dress was a JCP clearance gem, the flower a cheepy mall grab and the fedora was $3 at Daiso! Not to mention my ever present teggings! The blue dress was from Size Queen clothing which I wore with my Fat necklace that I got custom made for hella cheap on Etsy!

Also, I’d just like to point something out here, proudly…SO MUCH ARMS! Look at my gloriously free, unashamed display of fat flailing goodness!!!

Thank you to those who love and support me, past and present. When I tear myself down, my friends always seem to know how to put me back together again. <3


No Lose 2013: My Pics!

My No Lose weekend wasn’t entirely horrific.
I was still surrounded by some amazing and incredible people.
I pushed myself outside my comfort zone and even managed a few Kodak moments.
Size Queen Clothing: NoLose: Fashion Show

Nervously excited before the fashion show, I wanted this dress so bad!
Alas, I am but a poor, fierce fat femme.

And my boyfriend made my night with this text,
“So…you’re saying I’m dating a model?! 🙂 ”

Alex & I both: Unicorns!

Saturday in the vendor’s room, Alex and I matched in our enthusiasm and
desire to become the unicorns we’ve always known we are!
I’m wearing an dress.

Moments before No Lose Talent Show

Can you see the terror on my face? No? Well, believe me, it was bubbling just under the surface. I hear my performance was great, but honestly I felt like a failure. Oh well. Never had so many awesome people tell me I’m hot in one night!
Dress was from JCP and hat was $3 a Daiso, flower clip $2.50 from random accessories shop at the mall.

Me & Veronica from

The dance party was canceled due to technical difficulties. I met up with Veronica, a fellow fat blogger from Norway, and headed to the bar for some cocktails and wonderful conversation. (My dress is from

BFF “Q” at Gustav’s <3

Sunday night “Q” and I hit up my favorite: Gustav’s!
For healing, hearty German food…And a blackberry margarita!

Me & Blackberry Margarita at Gustav’s

I seriously have to come to Gustav’s every time I visit Portland.
It’s just, necessary!
Another dress…my soulmate outfit!

Eugene the cat, from Eugene, OR

We met “Eugene” the cat outside the Denny’s by U of O in Eugen, Oregon.
This was literally the coolest, sweetest, most lovey cat we’d ever met!
When the server said we could and should take him home, “Q” was beyond tempted!
So we tried to, but in the end he’s actually a fairly healthy wild cat who seems pretty damn happy.
We miss you, Eugene! <3

Mount Shasta

That wonderful moment you realize you’re back in California which means we’re sort of, kind of, almost home. 🙂

In the end I did get to hang out with some fabulous fatties as well as make some new connections and bonds.
Thanks for reading and supporting me with/through this difficult experience.
I’m doing so much better now, thanks to all of you!

Rad Fatty Love to you ALL!

Tank Top Tuesday!!!


This week’s submission is by me, Sarah, this is my blog. Welcome!

Saturday was such a fantastic day! I felt like I’d won a gold medal or something, man. I was on top of the world! I had a fantastic job interview (though they later rejected my fat ass), got lots of stuff done, and got to walk my puggyman. I felt productive and good and excited about life! And the boyfriend and I were meeting some awesome friends for karaoke that night. Hooray!!!

I felt so fabulous that I did what any fierce fat femme would do: Get Dolled Up! Woo! And so I did! In a new dress, no less (from JCP?!) and even did a little something different with my hair and make up. Actually, this whole look is new for me! Don’t ya just love when everything sort of comes together like that? I do! I felt so good I half expected the paparazzi to start harassing me! Ha-ha!

So, here I am (if you click on the pics they get bigger), exercising my right to bare arms and be fabulous! Oh and that last pic is the bouquet bf sent me, since some peeps had asked.  And now it’s all opening up and blooming! Might have to take it with me to PDX! 😉

I always ask TTT submissions to include their own fatty philosophy. I guess mine changes as time goes by. I would typically say something along the likes of be you, stay true to you, listen to your gorgeous gut and give zero fucks about the rest. Right now I’m feeling a bit more like, do what feels right, stop worrying and just keep going. How’s that?! 😉


I am always looking for submissions from anyone who wants to exercise their right to Bare Arms for future Tank Top Tuesday posts! Email your pics here:, please include the name you’d like in the post, a blog or etsy shop you wanna plug, your thoughts on bare arms or other fatty philosophies. It does not have to be in a tank top, so long as your arms are bare. Have fun with it! And thank you to all who have submitted and continue to do so. These posts make my week! They are so fun and empowering, too! So keep ‘em comin’ and keep baring those arms!

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