
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

“Can Fat Girls Wear Clingy Dresses?”


This was a search that landed someone onto this blog. Nice! And great question! The short answer to this question is, “HELL YEAH!!!” The medium length answer is, “Um…look at my pics!”


The long answer is this:

Anyone can wear anything, and should, if they feel good wearing it!

I will not listen to a size or weight or style cut-off. There are no laws in the world of fashion. And I won’t have anyone use the word “flattering” in any amount of seriousness around me. It’s all bullshit! Wear what you want and rock that shit!

I know that I used to freak out at the notion of wearing anything that even remotely clung to my belly rolls. Yes, I have two. One is my belly and the other is what some may refer to as a “gunt” or whatever you wanna call the roll below my bellybutton and above my genitals. If a shirt wasn’t long enough to conceal the lot of it, or just seemed to hug that area at all? I’d never wear it!

Up until about July, I’d say, I would never have considered wearing anything above the knee, either. So, what happened? A few things, actually. I mean, I was already hanging out with awesome and positive fatties all over the bay area, but I also attended two fat conferences: NAAFA & No Lose! Two very positive and life altering conferences and experiences. Very different, but both awesome in their own ways.

In fact let me say this, I showed up at No Lose wearing a very clingy, very short (for me) knit t-shirt dress, in bright-bold stripes! (I seriously cannot believe I don’t have a pic of me in this dress…will remedy soon!) I broke all of those old fat fashion rules and felt awesome in it…even before I was drowning in the compliments!  In just a month or so I went from freaking out about such things to flaunting the fuck out of them! And now? I love me some short dresses! I always feel “protected” by my beloved Teggings. But I also posted a pic of me in my swim suit for you all to enjoy this past summer, so, you know, whatever. No big thing. HA-HA!

I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of what I’m wearing on a given day. Unless I specifically ask for your opinion, don’t say a damned word! My body, my choice…FOREVER!!! And for the love of the entire universe, do not ask if I’ve lost/gained weight. You might just get kicked! My body, my business…FOREVER!!! Ask how I’m feeling, ask how my day was, ask me what two or three or four songs are simultaneously in my head…but my body shall not be remarked upon…unless you have something truly and sincerely nice to say. “You look amazing!” is perfectly acceptable and gender neutral, thanks.

So, “Can Fat Girls Wear Clingy Dresses?” What do you think? 😉

posted under Uncategorized
7 Comments to

““Can Fat Girls Wear Clingy Dresses?””

  1. On January 16th, 2013 at 4:40 am William Says:

    As a guy I have always appreciated the way women of all sizes have been uninhibited enough to wear form fitting and clingy clothes like pull over sweaters.

    I sometimes do not understand why skinny guys tend to wear loose clothes, but has a fat guy I am tend not wear clothes that make my moobs and the size of my butt obvious.

    Being size accepting I can only say that people who would deny fat women the right to be proud of their curves and show them off are fat haters.

  2. On January 17th, 2013 at 12:41 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    William: Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here. Always welcome! 🙂

  3. On January 17th, 2013 at 12:30 pm Veronica Says:

    All I have to say, is that I feel your smolder in the 2nd pic all the way from here! ;):)

  4. On January 17th, 2013 at 12:40 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Veronica: Oh baby! And thank you… <3

  5. On January 19th, 2013 at 4:30 pm melissa Says:

    I think that you wear what you feel comfortable wearing. And if you can rock the clingy dress, which you obviously do, then wear the dress! It’s all about attitude!!

  6. On August 17th, 2015 at 10:32 pm Timothy Says:

    i came across your picture in a Google search then came to this page. I find you to be a beautiful, sexy woman. I would go out of my way to say hi to you and tell you how truly attractive you are. May well being be with you.

  7. On September 9th, 2015 at 3:31 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Timothy: Thank you for the well wishing. 🙂

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