
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

And Here’s Where I Bitch About Boots…


I have been searching for a pair of knee-high boots to fit my fat calves for two years now. I’ve just about had it! Except that I still really want a pair. It’s almost become this sort of fantasy that once I have my perfect pair of black boots I can do anything I want. It’s my ticket to the ultimate independent bad-ass girl party of the millennium! NOT! But I don’t know, I just feel like they are the reason I don’t wear the dresses I have. It’s like a big jig saw puzzle with the center piece missing.

So sad that I put so much stock into an inanimate object…especially something as silly as boots! I mean, I probably won’t even be able to wear them to work for either comfort reasons or just not wanting to get coffee grounds all over them. So why does this mean so much to me? It’s like they’re the holy grail to me. I can’t speak for all fat gals, but it does seem like a bit of an equalizer. Usually shoes are one thing that thin & fats can shop for together without worry about sizing issues!

Being of the death fat persuasion (some will define this as being over a size 26 or over 300 lbs, either way, that’s moi!), my calves are larger than many fats. At their widest, my calves measure 19″, but that’s not the only issue. I also wear a woman’s size 8 shoe (occasional wide width, depends on the style/brand). There is the problem I’ve found. While many knee-high boots come in larger calf widths, it’s usually only in larger shoe sizes! I was so stoked about a fatshionista post about some boots for $27.99 at Target that fit her that I ran out and tried ’em on…no dice! She wears a size 11 and thus the size 8 they had was way too narrow in the calf to even zip. *sigh*

I dream of dresses with big ole shit-stompers! Cute romper-ish dresses (like overalls, but a dress) with combat boots! Or the old grunge way of wearing a granny dress with big tough boots on! YES! THIS! And the truth is, I probably can get some boots that will fit, but nowhere near what I can afford. And there is the rub for me. When I had the money I couldn’t find any boots and now that I don’t have a dime to my name I know exactly where I can get some…for $200+!!!

So, I’m a big baby and a whiner and it’s true. It’s the one thing I feel is missing from my wardrobe. It’s such a cute-ass look, ya know? UGH! I will surely drive myself crazy with this pursuit. I know this, yet I still search. For used boots. For cheaper boots. People keep saying Torrid has them, but I don’t wear heels, yo! I need a biker/harness style or some other low heeled boot of great construction. They need to take a beating and then ask for more! I want to wear them with girly things and then to goth night! It’s my fantasy after all.

All this talk of boots, I might as well show my faves so far:

Sphere - SUPER WIDE Calf Boot by Ros Hommerson (Black)Channel - EXTRA WIDE Calf Boot by Ros Hommerson (Black) Ashley - David Tate Super Wide Calf Boot  (Black)

1. “Sphere” Ros Hommerson 2. “Channel” Ros Hommerson 3. “Ashley” David Tate 4. “Vine” Duo

Those last ones, I just found yesterday, may not even fit me as the reviews say they have a very narrow ankle. But I love them so! I would even go for a more engineer style boot. But alas, none shall fit my Cinderella-esque calves! Ha! Those first three should fit, but I bought some Ros Hommerson boots before and they claimed to be wide calf, but they didn’t even come close! So I keep looking and waiting and hoping and maybe one fine day I’ll find my dream boots.

Yes, I do realize that I could buy some boots that fit my feet and then get some magical cobbler to put in a gusset or shaft of elastic or leather to make the calf fit…but in the end it would cost more than buying some that do fit (or so I have heard). I did find some cute ones at The Avenue last winter. I tried them on, they were cute as hell, but they wouldn’t zip up. And when I looked at the display model? It was falling apart all over, but especially the sole! Nuts!

Do you feel there is a giant missing puzzle piece to your wardrobe? Tell me all about it!  =0)

17 Comments to

“And Here’s Where I Bitch About Boots…”

  1. On September 16th, 2010 at 2:02 pm maneoplyse Says:

    I think April D (can’t remember her blog name, she’s on “Notes,” she recently mentioned acquiring knee-high boots for a 19″ calf. I wish I could remember where she said she got them. I ordered a couple of pair from the Avenue, now my calf is smaller (16in) and I have a shoe size of 10, but one of the acquired boot pairs, there was a good two inches too much (maybe a little more) in the calf, I saved them for jeans. I would at least check out the Avenue, the boots I got only had an 1.5 in heel.


  2. On September 16th, 2010 at 2:03 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Thank you. I haven’t checked the Avenue this season yet, but honestly I’m worried about the construction after last year’s incident. =0)

  3. On September 17th, 2010 at 8:42 am Eve Says:

    I’m with you. I haven’t bought any of those boots from yet, but I’m working up my courage to lay out the dough. Unfortunately, the boots I really want, and have wanted since like 1993 when they were cool, is black knee-high lace-up Doc Marten style boots that would fit my calves. I’m not even as fat as you, but I have 20″ calves the last time I checked. I want them badly, but I’m afraid that I’ll get them and they’ll look stupid. But I want them to wear with dresses in the winter. But wouldn’t they get salt damage here in Boston? Oh, the drama!

  4. On September 17th, 2010 at 8:55 am Not Blue at All Says:

    YES! That truly is what I want, deep down…but I don’t think they’d fit my calves at all. And the cost?! Yikes! You may just give eBay a shot. I mean, find the right height & shoe size and then see if a local cobbler could work some magic on ’em. It’d be cheap is they were used, even slightly. But that’s a big comfort issue for some people, so I understand. I don’t believe the salt would hurt Docs though. But I have no experience in the matter. Sorry, doll.

  5. On September 17th, 2010 at 9:25 am kimstrauss Says:

    I was just blogging about this same thing. *sigh* I’m also a deathfat with 19″ calves with a foot width in between “wide” and “medium”.

    I heart Ros Hommerson boots, but am not willing to pay $200 for them at and actually carry “wide calf boots”, but they are usually “wide” relative to straight-sized women with “athletic” calves — so, like, 15″. Also, RH has 3 calf widths, so maybe that’s why the pair you got didn’t fit. (?)

    Anyway, in my 2-year hunt for boots, what I’ve found is that some of the best places to buy inexpensive boots for wide calves are on “old lady” fat clothing websites. Seriously. Some of the boot styles are unintentionally on-trend right now, too. And because (some) they are for old fat ladies, they are usually low-heeled without being too wide in the foot and relatively comfortable.*&Mrsavf=Brand&Mrsavf=Size&Mrsavf=Color&Mpg=SEARCH%2BNAV&Mstor=6000&Mcat=14571%406000&Mcatp=cat_15331%406000&Mcatn=boots&Mcatg=cat_15834%406000&Mcatpn=Shoes+&Mcatgn=Shoes+%26+Accessories&Mpos=1&Mpper=16

    FWIW, sells the same boots and brands that are available at for a little less $.

    Of course, Torrid is the good old standby. I had at least 3 extra inches in the calf in the boots I bought last year, but I took them back because the shaft was too tall for me (above the knee) – but I have short(ish) legs, so maybe they won’t be so tall for you.

    Sorry to go on and on, but I wanted to help!

  6. On September 17th, 2010 at 9:27 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Wow! Thank you for all of these links. I’ll comb through and see what I come up with. And yeah, I have short legs, too! We should start a club, dammit! Ha! Short Death Fats Who Want Boots! =0)

  7. On September 17th, 2010 at 9:52 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Wanted to let you know that I just ordered these:*&Mpos=1&Mpg=SEARCH%2BNAV&Mrsavf=Brand&Mrsavf=Size&Mrsavf=Color&Mcatn=boots&Mcatpn=Shoes+&Mcatgn=Shoes+%26+Accessories&Mcatgg=category_root&Mcatp=cat_15331%406000&Mcat=14571%406000&Mcatg=cat_15834%406000
    The reviews made me willing to risk it. And I used a $15 off $50 code plus free ship to store. So? $59 for boots that should fit? I’m so excited I can’t believe it’s real…so expect a full review from me in a couple of weeks. Thank you again and again! =0)

  8. On September 17th, 2010 at 9:26 am Eve Says:

    Oh sorry, I got sidetracked. With regard to salt I really meant the ones I could actually get, that cost $200 and that you posted about above.

    I think the Doc Martens would look ridiculous with as large a gusset as they would need to fit me. But something like that, and good and durable, with flat soles, would do me fine. Maybe we can write to Torrid.

  9. On September 17th, 2010 at 9:28 am Not Blue at All Says:

    You’re probably right about the gusset. Bummer. I guess in my fantasy-boot-filled head they would magically work out.

  10. On September 17th, 2010 at 10:16 am kimstrauss Says:

    i love clubs! i’m in. 🙂

    ooh, I have been panting over those boots, too! make sure you take pictures and let us know how they feel. i have never bought any shoes from LB and am really curious.

  11. On September 17th, 2010 at 5:38 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    I have never bought shoes from them either, hadn’t a clue they even had boots. If these work out? Gurl, I’ll be forever grateful for your linkage!

  12. On September 17th, 2010 at 3:11 pm Alena Says:

    I have the same problem, except that my legs are too skinny for most boots and they end up slouching or looking awkward. I’m sure that there are custom bootmakers out there, but this needs to be common and affordable service. I mean, I really need my white, moccasin, tight-fitting boots, with beaded embellishments ya know?

  13. On September 17th, 2010 at 5:36 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Yes! See, I knew it wasn’t just fat girls, dammit! Ha! Yes, you do need those boots to be made. I’m wondering if we couldn’t buy a bunch of suede and work something out? Hmmm…

  14. On September 18th, 2010 at 10:23 am renee Says:

    i wanted boots for years, and finally found the ones of my dreams at doc martens. the ones I purchased have a zipper, but also have straps all along (nicely incorporated) that adjust and give more room. These are the ones I got:

    anyway, just thought I’d mention them. LOVE their shoes. gotta save up for them, though.

  15. On September 18th, 2010 at 10:27 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Those boots made my breath catch in my throat! They are serious and nothing but business…ass-kicking business! Holy crap those boots amaze me! Wish they listed the calf measurements. What size shoe do you wear and how big are the calves in ’em?

  16. On September 24th, 2010 at 10:29 pm Kath Says:

    I want a pair in brown. So bad I can taste it. But I’ve yet to find an affordable pair with wide enough calves (also a deathfat). Sob!

    Good luck in your quest.

  17. On September 25th, 2010 at 8:27 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Some recent fatshionista posts have me hopeful. But I did order a pair from LB. I will be posting a full review once I get them next week sometime. Fingers crossed because they were only $50!

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