
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

An Evening At The Theater


Saturday evening I attended West Valley Light Opera’s production of  Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas” in Saratoga, CA. You see, my ridiculously talented (but modest) BFF Jery TheActorvist was co-starring and we’d been hearing about the rehearsals and cast for weeks. I was dying to see it! So we went, opening night, and pretty much got our socks blown right the hell off! For reals, you guys? It was incredible! I’ve never seen the film in it’s entirety and I’m no fan of the Christmas (x-mas or otherwise), but I have to say? I was fucking moved! Yeah, that doesn’t happen often. Jery plays “Phil” or the Danny Kaye character depending on your knowledge of the film/show. Holy wow! I already considered myself his biggest fan (pun intended), but now? Now I think I wanna start and be president of his fan club!

After the show was a champagne reception and we all stood outside waiting (me positively glowing with excitement) for Jery to come out as the rest of the cast did to meet and greet their audience and adoring fans. Outside with us were the many several friends that had come just to see J in the spotlight. We’re talking 18 people that I was aware of. Yeah, fans!!! Somehow our friend Tom had no idea that Jery could tap dance. I was surprised since I knew J loved this style of dance possibly most of all. When J finally reached us, he gave us all great big emotion-filled hugs. He had worked so damned hard to do what he did for us that opening night. I don’t know how many realized that, but I had my sharpie in-hand for him to sign my program (it’s a tradition for me).

Since I had thrifted a fabulous dress earlier in the week I had been dying to wear it. It’s a 100% cotton (and soft!) blue/grey/black/white plaid dress by Converse from Target that I got at Goodwill, with tags, for $6! Yeah, crazy! And for me the strangest bit was that it was a size 3 when I’d never normally even try on a smaller size in the store. But hey, it fit and looked cute so I wore it! I paired it with black opaque tights (Torrid footless), my classic pearls and my Avenue Jalisa boots! And I was actually wearing make up, too! Ha!

my boots

Thank you Jery for dazzling us with your amazing abilities, skills and talent! May you remain humble even while the light of the world is shining upon you…and soon, it shall, I just know! <3

**To buy your tickets (because you totally wanna see this now) Go here: to see the dates.

To purchase online, Click This

By phone Call: 1-800-838-3006

5 Comments to

“An Evening At The Theater”

  1. On November 17th, 2010 at 10:26 pm j. Says:

    I so love you!!!

  2. On November 18th, 2010 at 8:16 am Not Blue at All Says:

    I love you back! <3

  3. On November 19th, 2010 at 2:51 am Kath Says:

    Sounds like a fabbo night and your outfit is GORGEOUS!

    Now gimme that dress!

  4. On November 19th, 2010 at 8:53 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Aww, thank you! And well, hey I could get that dress for you, they had three at the goodwill near me. Just let me know. =0)

  5. On November 19th, 2010 at 9:50 pm Kath Says:

    I think I might just email you about that!

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