
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

The Art of: Doodling!


C’mon! We all do it! You’re on the phone (those dreaded long-winded conference calls!) and you happen to have a pen or pencil handy and next thing you know…Art happened!!!
In keeping with the theme of the New Year (The Year of Firsts! A friend dubbed it) I thought I would open up once again and share with you all my personal doodles. Some are new, some are quite old.
I always said I couldn’t draw, but I’m getting over that slowly, but surely. It’s not easy, but the love and support of my friends is what always gets me over that proverbial hump. Thanks guys!
So, here they are…be kind! =0)
Okay, no clue what this is even after much inspection:
no idea
Attempt at a Giraffe, I love them:
guh giraffe
Idea for logo for café I will open in ’09:
cafe idea
Creepy Drawing:
Vera and Treacle
Geometric Rose:
Sad gal:
sad gal
A girl seeing herself in her own tears:
girl in the tear
Me and B:
Me and B
Random gal:
random gal
Homer the Pirate:
homer the pirate
drink some
An armless Sally:
armless sally
Gal walking out of doorway:
doorway girl
Humming bird:
Humming Bird
Penguin love:
Penguin Love
Idea for next painting (Lady in Red):
Lady in red
These are the original sketches for the painting I’ve been working on for a year for B (in order of how they will appear in the painting-vertically):
suspicious fish
Shitty Bride:
shitty bride
Okay, this requires some explanation:
I am not sure if it’s in the comic book for “Squee” or “Johnny the homicidal maniac” or what…but I’m pretty sure it was a Johnen Vasquez comic. Anywhoo…there was a poster on a wall in a random frame of a random comic book that said, “Scampi Coffee” that had a shrimp hangin’ out of a coffee cup. Well, last night I drew up my own advert for that fine non-product:
Scampi Coffee ad
Scampi Coffee
scampi tagline
scampi scamp

posted under Uncategorized
2 Comments to

“The Art of: Doodling!”

  1. On January 25th, 2009 at 12:48 pm J. Says:

    I like the giraffe!
    But the scampi crying is cutely sad.

  2. On January 25th, 2009 at 3:42 pm admin Says:

    Thanks…I thought my giraffe looked a little like a southpark cow. Ha-ha!

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