
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Random Post is Random


It’s November and I can’t believe it! I mean…wow!  So, it’s time for a post of randomness! Woot!

  • This morning while driving to work Justin Beiber’s “As long as you love me” came on and instead of switching it faster than lightening (ask my friends, ha!), I let it play and went from hating to loving it! How? Well, I decided that the song was my body singing to me. Because as long as I love and care for my body, it’ll always be there for me.

“We’re under pressure,
Seven billion people in the world trying to fit in
Keep it together,
Smile on your face even though your heart is frowning
But hey now, you know, girl,
We both know it’s a cruel world
But I will take my chances

As long as you love me
We could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke
As long as you love me
I’ll be your platinum, I’ll be your silver, I’ll be your gold
As long as you love, love, love, love me (love me)
As long as you love, love, love, love me (love me)”

  • I was so not expecting buzz for Fatty Affair 2013 to be heating up so soon! I’m so excited and I know it’s going to be AMAZING!  If you can make it, awesome, if you can’t but know people in the SF Bay Area, please share the event page (web site will be up soon):
  • Sadly, the changing of the seasons also means gearing up for the holidays. And gearing up for this particular set of holidays means dealing with a bunch of socially prescribe bullshit. Don’t forget to Stay True to You and check out my Tips for Sanity and Holiday Support pages from last year. I’m of course available for support because y’all love and support me all of the damned time! 😉
  • Consider Kindness for yourself and for others. I feel as though I’ve stepped away from this as a focus in my life that this troubles me greatly. Life things happen and distract us from what’s truly in our hearts and I need to stay mindful of that. I think I will start each day with 5 minutes of thoughts towards kindness in my heart and mind as well as in action in my life.
  •  I will be taking submissions for fats in winter wear, tank tops or TMI Tuesday topics or general fattery for my Tuesday posts. If you’d like to submit, please email me your pic, name, personal fatty philosophy and anything you’d like to plug to:  I so look forward to these posts and have been sad to see no submissions for many weeks. 🙁
  • Have you been considering starting your own blog? Wanna dip your toe in the water before cranking it to 11? Hit me up to guest blog here! I love guest bloggers and would happily return the favor!  Also, feel free to hit me up to plug your fat related or fat positive business, etsy shop or whatever! I’m always up for supporting fellow fatties and want to do my part to support small/independent businesses this season, too!
  • I have been going through some tough stuff and I thank you for your support and patience. If you ever need someone to listen without judgment, please hit me up! I’m here to talk and listen without bias or judgment. I’ve met some amazing people through this blog for that purpose/reason alone and I am so grateful that they had the courage to reach out to me. Please know that you are worthy and deserving of all of the love and goodness in this world! *Hugs*
And on that note…

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