
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Not feeling it today…


Hey peeps!
Sorry I’ve been silent the last few days. I’ve been fighting and then succumbing to a big baddie of a head cold. Boo! I’m not one to pop pills, even the OTC kind, so I’ve been sticking it out and had to stay home from work yesterday. Today would have been my usual day off, so no worries, but I’m determined to pop whatever I have to in order to get back to business tomorrow.

All of this staying home stuff hasn’t left me in the best mood, I am just no good home alone. I get antsy! Many reruns of I Love Lucy & Roseanne & Who’s The Boss have been watched. Very different shows! Such different relationships.

For some reason though, as I kept going online to check email/bogs/fb/tweets, something was missing. The usual excitement for the day’s fat-buzz just wasn’t there. Sure, it could be that my favorites and bookmarks are all unaccessible from my husband’s laptop. Or the head cold. Or…Or? I don’t know!

I don’t know what’s missing, but I’m not finding it either. The news even seems blah the last few days. And while I was of course excited to watch the newest episode of HUGE, I dashed to for Lesley’s reliably fantastic recap and, nothin’!

It doesn’t even seem as sunny out as it should be. I mean, it is warm out and all, but it’s almost hazy. Perhaps my sudden blogging hiatus and foggy head left me without the usual zeal for all things fat. Maybe I’ve OD’d on old sitcoms.

Life doesn’t wrap up it’s own problems in 22 minutes followed by a nice comfy commercial for Pilsbury grands. Ethel isn’t next door, Mona’s not saying anything saucy and the Connor kids aren’t about to spill paint on the old tattered carpet.

I did have a fabulous weekend whilst trying to live in complete denial of this cold. Much lovely time spent with really good friends. The Renegade Craft Fair in SF was fantastic. After all was said and done I wasn’t looking forward to going back to the old grind. That is until I woke up feeling like death warmed over. Then I was grateful for being my own boss and not having to answer to anyone when I decided I needed to stay in bed.

Yet somehow this change of pace screwed up my enthusiasm for everything.  I think that I got so swept up in the LB hubbub last week that I assumed (you know what happens when you do that) the webz would still be a-buzzing with activity. Yet here I am. Nothing new to share or write about. Nothing fat related anyway.

I guess I just havn’t been doing this fat blogging thing long enough to know how to constantly create content for my readers. (I am grateful for each and every one of you by the way!) I will work on this. I love writing and especially feel so loved and a part of the fat acceptance community. I will continue to share my thoughts on things and fight for fat acceptance.

Sometimes though? I wanna write abotu fluffy things or political things or whatever tickles my daily fance. And that’s cool, too, right?

Hope you all have a fab Tuesday.


posted under Blog, Buzz, fat, Fat Acceptance
6 Comments to

“Not feeling it today…”

  1. On August 3rd, 2010 at 7:44 pm Erin Marie Says:

    I say blog about whatever tickles your fancy! Sometimes that will be FA stuff, and sometimes it will be whatever is going on in your world. I think unless your blog is specifically created to provide information on a certain thing, it’s okay to branch out from time to time.

    I like your writing and will read about whatever you write, that’s fo shizzle.

  2. On August 4th, 2010 at 8:30 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Thank you for making me smile. I needed it today. You have no idea how much it means to me to know that someone out there is reading. You rock my socks!

  3. On August 4th, 2010 at 2:29 am Nicole Says:

    Hope you feel better soon! Seems like a summer funk is going around.

    Niche blogging is difficult, at best. You are the unique element of the equation – people read to “hear” your voice, regardless of topic. Why limit yourself? Write about whatever you wish!

  4. On August 4th, 2010 at 7:49 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Yes, I think you’re right about a summer funk going around. What’s up with that? Ha-ha! Thank you for the support.

  5. On August 4th, 2010 at 7:13 pm Julie Says:

    Just found your site via the Fatosphere feed. I love what you have to say and how you say it. I love your Big Fat Wish List. And your beautiful Big Fat Summer Challenge has inspired me to take some risks of my own. Just wanted to tell you that you’ve got a new reader. 🙂

  6. On August 6th, 2010 at 10:39 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Oh my gosh! You made my day! Thank you for reading! I am so happy to know that I’ve reached someone. Ha-ha! Thanks for letting me know, too! =0)

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