
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Leapin’ into Tiny Adventures


It’s LEAP DAY!!! Yay! I never celebrated or even acknowledged this day as anything but the norm before today. But you know what? Fuck it! I’m celebrating it! How? I’m gonna wear my new $8.99 dress I got from Ross and just strut my stuff, yo!

Why not? Why shouldn’t I look as fabulous as I want to feel?! Why shouldn’t I take every opportunity to celebrate life and it’s wonders and possibilities?! Well, I am! No one can stop me and I won’t let anyone, ANYONE, bring me down! Not today!

Today I will dance for no reason. I will smile in the face of haters. I will tut-tut the body judges. I will sing at random and inappropriate times throughout the day (yes, I do this). I will not hold back. If I want to be anyone’s “Powerful Goddess” I need to start acting like it!

I will take myself out for lunch and maybe dinner (unless I get an invite from a friend that is), and consider a tiny adventure before hitting the hay. What is a tiny adventure? Well, something local, but fun and unexpected. I don’t know what that looks like yet, but I’ll think of something. I want to do things like that once a week. I want to go to places I’ve never been and try and see and do new things.

I am choosing this special day of specialness to begin this journey. I have no idea where it will take me, but isn’t that half the fun if it anyway?! Also, It’s Sadie Hawkin’s Day, ladies! Ask somebody out! I will if you will! *Wink-Wink*

Here’s what I’m wearing, but still need to accessorize:

$8.99 dress, $7.99 belt! Woot! Ha-ha!

Also, a special Shout-out to Dee! Thank you for mentioning/suggesting the Ikea clothes rack! What a space saver! Love ya lady! <3

How do you celebrate “Leap Day?” How would you like to? What other random non-holidays do you celebrate? What adventure should I get into today? I’m waaay open to suggestions! I will be looking extra fabulous…wouldn’t mind some shenanigans or the good kind of trouble. So, lay it on me! <3

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6 Comments to

“Leapin’ into Tiny Adventures”

  1. On February 29th, 2012 at 5:02 pm Veronica Says:

    Sounds like a recipe for a great day!:) Hope you felt as fabulous as that dress looks!

  2. On March 2nd, 2012 at 8:37 pm rija Says:

    Just de-lurking to say that dress looks like it was made for you! The print, color, fit, and fabric are perfect for you. Work it, you look dazzling!

  3. On March 2nd, 2012 at 10:36 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Rija: I love it when someone de-lurks! Thank you so much! And thanks for the compliment, too! Please comment again soon. =0)

  4. On March 3rd, 2012 at 2:31 am christine Says:

    You look ace!

  5. On March 3rd, 2012 at 9:44 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Christine: Thank you! I don’t think anyone’s ever said that to me before. =0)

  6. On March 22nd, 2012 at 4:10 am NotBlueAtAll » Blog Archive » Be & Do Says:

    […] Day” to this lovely Italian restaurant that has my favorite panini. I looked fab that day, if you recall, and when I walked in the place was empty! The lunch crowd had just left. So there I sat, on my own […]

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